

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:34

android Programming Glossary: tabhost.setup

Android: TabHost without TabActivity


false TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById R.id.tabhost tabHost.setup mlam TabHost.TabSpec spec Intent intent intent new Intent .setClass.. tabhost share improve this question Before calling tabHost.setup mLocalActivityManager you need to add this line. mlam.dispatchCreate.. to add this line. mlam.dispatchCreate savedInstanceState tabHost.setup mlam similarly you need to add for onResume mlam.dispatchResume..

Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)'


mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup TabSpec tabSpecCheckIn tabHost.newTabSpec getResources .getText..

android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget


final TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById R.id.tabHost tabHost.setup Resources res getResources Configuration cfg res.getConfiguration..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById android.R.id.tabhost tabHost.setup TabSpec spec1 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 1 spec1.setContent R.id.tab1..

Android: TabHost without TabActivity


LocalActivityManager mlam new LocalActivityManager this false TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById R.id.tabhost tabHost.setup mlam TabHost.TabSpec spec Intent intent intent new Intent .setClass this Show1.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec Items .setIndicator.. missing something there. Anyone an idea Thanks android android tabhost share improve this question Before calling tabHost.setup mLocalActivityManager you need to add this line. mlam.dispatchCreate savedInstanceState tabHost.setup mlam similarly you.. Before calling tabHost.setup mLocalActivityManager you need to add this line. mlam.dispatchCreate savedInstanceState tabHost.setup mlam similarly you need to add for onResume mlam.dispatchResume onPause mlam.dispatchPause isFinishing share improve this..

Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)'


TabHost findViewById R.id.tabhost LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup TabSpec tabSpecCheckIn tabHost.newTabSpec getResources .getText R.string.button_check_in .toString tabSpecCheckIn.setIndicator..

android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget


it in my activity's oncreate setContentView R.layout.main_view final TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById R.id.tabHost tabHost.setup Resources res getResources Configuration cfg res.getConfiguration boolean hor cfg.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE..

Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is android.R.id.list


thinger ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar2 TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById android.R.id.tabhost tabHost.setup TabSpec spec1 tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 1 spec1.setContent R.id.tab1 spec1.setIndicator Starting TabSpec spec2 tabHost.newTabSpec..