

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:35

android Programming Glossary: tabindicator

How to navigate in fragments?


static View prepareTabView Context context int drawable inflate R.layout.tab_indicator android.R.id.tabs false View tabIndicator LayoutInflater.from context .inflate R.layout.tab_indicator null ImageView icon ImageView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.tab_bar_icon.. false View tabIndicator LayoutInflater.from context .inflate R.layout.tab_indicator null ImageView icon ImageView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.tab_bar_icon icon.setImageResource R.drawable.ic_launcher return tabIndicator public void onTabChanged.. icon ImageView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.tab_bar_icon icon.setImageResource R.drawable.ic_launcher return tabIndicator public void onTabChanged String tag TabInfo newTab this.mapTabInfo.get tag if mLastTab newTab FragmentTransaction ft this.getSupportFragmentManager..

android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget


label Drawable icon LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE View tabIndicator inflater.inflate R.layout.tab_indicator tabHost.getTabWidget tab widget is the parent false no inflate params final TextView.. tabHost.getTabWidget tab widget is the parent false no inflate params final TextView tv TextView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.title tv.setText label final ImageView iconView ImageView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.icon iconView.setImageDrawable.. final TextView tv TextView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.title tv.setText label final ImageView iconView ImageView tabIndicator.findViewById R.id.icon iconView.setImageDrawable icon return tabIndicator The difference with the original Google code is..

create custom tab in FragmentActivity


and FragmentPagerAdapter Here is the code of but i really don't know where do i inflate the custom tabs using View tabIndicator LayoutInflater.from mContext . inflate R.layout.tab_item mTabHost.getTabWidget false code in onCreate method of FragmentActivity.. Bundle args tabSpec.setContent new DummyTabFactory mContext I got to place this line somewhere here i guess View tabIndicator LayoutInflater.from mContext .inflate R.layout.tab_item mTabHost.getTabWidget false String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo..