

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:35

android Programming Glossary: table.addcell

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment.. Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER.. new Phrase c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 table.setHeaderRows 1 table.addCell Date table.addCell 1.1..

how to Generate Pdf File with Image in android?


4 t.setBorderWidth 1 PdfPCell c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Job Name c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new.. table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase Test 001 c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 table.setHeaderRows 1 table.addCell.. Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 c1 new PdfPCell new Phrase c1.setHorizontalAlignment Element.ALIGN_CENTER table.addCell c1 table.setHeaderRows 1 table.addCell Date table.addCell 1.1 table.addCell table.addCell Labor Rate table.addCell 2.2 table.addCell..