

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:35

android Programming Glossary: tabinfo

SwipeyTabs - how to create Swipey Tabs using ActionBarSherlock Library?


private final ViewPager mViewPager private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private.. private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private final Class clss private.. TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private final Class clss private final Bundle args TabInfo Class..

Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet?


TabHost.OnTabChangeListener private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo private FrameLayout mRealTabContent.. private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo private FrameLayout mRealTabContent private Context mContext.. TabHost.OnTabChangeListener mOnTabChangeListener private TabInfo mLastTab private boolean mAttached static final class TabInfo..

create custom tab in FragmentActivity


mTabHost.getTabWidget false String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab.. false String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab tabSpec notifyDataSetChanged.. new DummyTabFactory mContext String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab..

How to navigate in fragments?


findViewById android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup TabInfo tabInfo null TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost.. this.mTabHost .newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab1 Tab1Fragment.class args this.mapTabInfo.put.. TabInfo Tab1 Tab1Fragment.class args this.mapTabInfo.put tabInfo.tag tabInfo TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost..

Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class


findViewById android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup TabInfo tabInfo null Bundle bundle1 new Bundle Bundle bundle2 new Bundle Bundle.. this.mTabHost.newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab1 TabsFragment.class bundle1 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab.. this.mTabHost.newTabSpec Tab2 .setIndicator Tab 2 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab2 TabsFragment.class bundle2 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab..

How to change tab style in Android?


txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab.. 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec ... share improve..

Android TabHost - Activities within each tab


Gravity.TOP txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab.. 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec Maps txtTabMap..

SwipeyTabs - how to create Swipey Tabs using ActionBarSherlock Library?


final Context mContext private final ActionBar mActionBar private final ViewPager mViewPager private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private final Class clss private final Bundle args TabInfo Class.. final ActionBar mActionBar private final ViewPager mViewPager private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private final Class clss private final Bundle args TabInfo Class _class Bundle _args clss _class.. private final ViewPager mViewPager private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo static final class TabInfo private final Class clss private final Bundle args TabInfo Class _class Bundle _args clss _class args _args public TabsAdapter..

Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet?


host. public class MyFragmentTabHost extends TabHost implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo private FrameLayout mRealTabContent private Context mContext private FragmentManager mFragmentManager.. extends TabHost implements TabHost.OnTabChangeListener private final ArrayList TabInfo mTabs new ArrayList TabInfo private FrameLayout mRealTabContent private Context mContext private FragmentManager mFragmentManager private int mContainerId.. mFragmentManager private int mContainerId private TabHost.OnTabChangeListener mOnTabChangeListener private TabInfo mLastTab private boolean mAttached static final class TabInfo private final String tag private final Class clss private..

create custom tab in FragmentActivity


LayoutInflater.from mContext .inflate R.layout.tab_item mTabHost.getTabWidget false String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab tabSpec notifyDataSetChanged android android layout android.. mContext .inflate R.layout.tab_item mTabHost.getTabWidget false String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab tabSpec notifyDataSetChanged android android layout android fragments.. tabSpec Class clss Bundle args tabSpec.setContent new DummyTabFactory mContext String tag tabSpec.getTag TabInfo info new TabInfo tag clss args mTabs.add info mTabHost.addTab tabSpec notifyDataSetChanged and before you fill you tab..

How to navigate in fragments?


private void initialiseTabHost Bundle args mTabHost TabHost findViewById android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup TabInfo tabInfo null TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost .newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo.. tabInfo null TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost .newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab1 Tab1Fragment.class args this.mapTabInfo.put tabInfo.tag tabInfo TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost.. .newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab1 Tab1Fragment.class args this.mapTabInfo.put tabInfo.tag tabInfo TabsFragmentActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost .newTabSpec Tab2 .setIndicator Tab 2 tabInfo..

Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class


private void initialiseTabHost Bundle args mTabHost TabHost findViewById android.R.id.tabhost mTabHost.setup TabInfo tabInfo null Bundle bundle1 new Bundle Bundle bundle2 new Bundle Bundle bundle3 new Bundle bundle1.putInt id 1 bundle2.putInt.. id 3 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost.newTabSpec Tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab1 TabsFragment.class bundle1 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost.newTabSpec.. bundle1 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost.newTabSpec Tab2 .setIndicator Tab 2 tabInfo new TabInfo Tab2 TabsFragment.class bundle2 FragmentTabsPagerActivity.addTab this this.mTabHost this.mTabHost.newTabSpec..

How to change tab style in Android?


Android TabHost - Activities within each tab


Color.DKGRAY txtTabInfo.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL Gravity.TOP txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec Maps txtTabMap new TextView this txtTabMap.setText.. Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL Gravity.TOP txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent R.id.tabInfo spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec Maps txtTabMap new TextView this txtTabMap.setText MAP txtTabMap.setTextSize..