

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:20

android Programming Glossary: verifier

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response.. static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String.. Finalizing ... mProgressDlg.show final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run..

IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android)


actual cause for the 401 was that I didn't send an OAuth verifier code where it was expected at this point. share improve this..

Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android


httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..

Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken()


.equals myapp uri.getHost .equals twitterOauth verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if.. oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if verifier.equals loadOauthData try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer.. loadOauthData try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier catch OAuthMessageSignerException e e.printStackTrace catch..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


the appendages after the ' ' are the oauth_token and oauth_verifier from the service we can assume all steps up until the redirection.. CALLBACK_URL Log.d StepGreenM uri.toString String verifier uri.getQueryParameter OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER Log.d StepGreenM.. OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER Log.d StepGreenM verifier try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TOKEN consumer.getToken..

Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android


the app we are notified here. Now we need to get the verifier from the callback URL retrieve token and token_secret and feed.. if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL String verifier uri .getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER.. in consumer provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TODO you might want to store token and token_secret in you..

Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android


httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..

Using jars that use java.beans classes (Introspector, BeanInfo or PropertyDescriptor)


962 Ljava beans IntrospectionException WARN dalvikvm 780 Verifier rejected class Lorg thirdpartyjar SomeClass java android reflection..

Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:”


Ljava util List 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 Verifier rejected class Lcom support utils Parser1 06 06 10 05 43.793..

VerifyError deploying on API 1.6


MyActivity .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Verifier rejected class Lcom me app MyActivity 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN..

LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account


import org.scribe.model.Verb import org.scribe.model.Verifier import org.scribe.oauth.OAuthService import android.app.Activity.. OAuthService service private Token requestToken private Verifier verifier private static final String PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL.. uri.toString .startsWith callback whodunit verifier new Verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Trade the Request Token..

shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running


is check if the URL is our callback then extract the OAuth Verifier from the URL. I setup my WebView with this code view WebView..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


Intent data method if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier.. TwDialogListener mListener private Context context private static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String UserName null UeserID null static String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL twitterapp connect public static final.. public void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... mProgressDlg.show final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken mHttpOauthConsumer..

IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android)


Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android


client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https encrypted.google.com..

Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken()


following Uri uri this.getIntent .getData if uri null uri.getScheme .equals myapp uri.getHost .equals twitterOauth verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if verifier.equals loadOauthData try provider.retrieveAccessToken.. .equals myapp uri.getHost .equals twitterOauth verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if verifier.equals loadOauthData try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier catch OAuthMessageSignerException e e.printStackTrace.. oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER if verifier.equals loadOauthData try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier catch OAuthMessageSignerException e e.printStackTrace catch OAuthNotAuthorizedException e e.printStackTrace catch OAuthExpectationFailedException..

Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o)


to open appSchema appName authorizationSensitiveInfo... the appendages after the ' ' are the oauth_token and oauth_verifier from the service we can assume all steps up until the redirection are correct . Possible problems lie within the appSchema.. Uri uri this.getIntent .getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL Log.d StepGreenM uri.toString String verifier uri.getQueryParameter OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER Log.d StepGreenM verifier try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier.. CALLBACK_URL Log.d StepGreenM uri.toString String verifier uri.getQueryParameter OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER Log.d StepGreenM verifier try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TOKEN consumer.getToken REQUEST_SECRET consumer.getTokenSecret Log.d..

Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android


e.printStackTrace As soon as the user successfully authorized the app we are notified here. Now we need to get the verifier from the callback URL retrieve token and token_secret and feed them to twitter4j as well as consumer key and secret . @Override.. intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL String verifier uri .getQueryParameter oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER try this will populate token and token_secret in consumer .. try this will populate token and token_secret in consumer provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TODO you might want to store token and token_secret in you app settings AccessToken a new AccessToken consumer.getToken..

Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android


client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final String url https

Using jars that use java.beans classes (Introspector, BeanInfo or PropertyDescriptor)


WARN dalvikvm 780 VFY unable to resolve exception class 962 Ljava beans IntrospectionException WARN dalvikvm 780 Verifier rejected class Lorg thirdpartyjar SomeClass java android reflection share improve this question It's clear java.beans..

Getting “Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError:”


Lcom support ModelClasses FeatureInfo ZZLjava lang String Ljava util List 06 06 10 05 43.781 WARN dalvikvm 224 Verifier rejected class Lcom support utils Parser1 06 06 10 05 43.793 WARN dalvikvm 224 threadid 15 thread exiting with uncaught..

VerifyError deploying on API 1.6


27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 VFY rejected Lcom me app MyActivity .init Z V 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Verifier rejected class Lcom me app MyActivity 06 27 16 23 45.561 WARN dalvikvm 427 Class init failed in newInstance call Lcom me..

LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account


import org.scribe.model.Response import org.scribe.model.Token import org.scribe.model.Verb import org.scribe.model.Verifier import org.scribe.oauth.OAuthService import android.app.Activity import android.content.Intent import android.net.Uri import.. public class loginexample extends Activity private static OAuthService service private Token requestToken private Verifier verifier private static final String PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL http api.linkedin.com v1 people ~ connections id last name private.. .getData null Uri uri this.getIntent .getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith callback whodunit verifier new Verifier uri.getQueryParameter oauth_verifier Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token requestToken service.getRequestToken..

shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running


associated page on our servers . What I'm attempting to do is check if the URL is our callback then extract the OAuth Verifier from the URL. I setup my WebView with this code view WebView findViewById R.id.twitterWbVw view.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient..