

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:20

android Programming Glossary: vi.findviewbyid

Lazy download images into gridView


null holder new ViewHolder holder.imgPhoto ImageView vi.findViewById com.egedsoft.instaprint.R.id.imageClickable vi.setTag holder.. null holder new ViewHolder holder.imgPhoto ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.grid_item_image vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder..

What's LazyList?


20 .build In your getView ImageView image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.imageview imageLoader.displayImage imageurl image options..

Android custom Row Item for ListView


inflater.inflate R.layout.row null TextView text TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text text.setText data position return vi Your java activity..

Caching images and displaying


null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView.. vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 vh.tv1.. vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2..

How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview?


vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.checkbox null tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText.. tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name gen position cb.setTag position..

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


mInflater.inflate R.layout.row null TextView tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2.. tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 .. tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText..

Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue


null holder new ViewHolder holder.carYear TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carYear holder.carMake TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carMake.. vi.findViewById R.id.carYear holder.carMake TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carMake holder.carModel TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carModel.. vi.findViewById R.id.carMake holder.carModel TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carModel holder.carColor TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carColor..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


null holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text holder.image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.image.. TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text holder.image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.image vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag..

ListView without ListActivity


null holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView vi.findViewById R.id.nameItem holder.phone TextView vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem.. vi.findViewById R.id.nameItem holder.phone TextView vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem holder.aim TextView vi.findViewById R.id.aimItem.. vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem holder.aim TextView vi.findViewById R.id.aimItem holder.dept TextView vi.findViewById R.id.deptItem..

Lazy download images into gridView


inflater.inflate com.egedsoft.instaprint.R.layout.item_clickable null holder new ViewHolder holder.imgPhoto ImageView vi.findViewById com.egedsoft.instaprint.R.id.imageClickable vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag if arrayUrls.get position.. if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.photos_item null holder new ViewHolder holder.imgPhoto ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.grid_item_image vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag if arrayPhotos.get position .getPhotoPicture null..

What's LazyList?


.cacheInMemory .cacheOnDisc .displayer new RoundedBitmapDisplayer 20 .build In your getView ImageView image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.imageview imageLoader.displayImage imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure..

Android custom Row Item for ListView


Auto generated method stub View vi convertView if vi null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null TextView text TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text text.setText data position return vi Your java activity public class StackActivity extends Activity ListView..

Caching images and displaying


vi convertView ViewHolder vh new ViewHolder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById.. if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 vh.tv.setText Image.. R.layout.row null vh.iv ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.ivv vh.pb ProgressBar vi.findViewById R.id.pb vh.tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 vh.tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 vh.tv.setText Image in postion vh.tv1.setText position display..

How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview?


generated method stub View vi convertView if convertView null vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.checkbox null tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name gen position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked.. if convertView null vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.checkbox null tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name gen position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener..

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


method stub View vi convertView if convertView null vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.row null TextView tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name.. null vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.row null TextView tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get.. null TextView tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked..

Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue


ViewHolder holder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate resource null holder new ViewHolder holder.carYear TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carYear holder.carMake TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carMake holder.carModel TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carModel.. resource null holder new ViewHolder holder.carYear TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carYear holder.carMake TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carMake holder.carModel TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carModel holder.carColor TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carColor.. TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carYear holder.carMake TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carMake holder.carModel TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carModel holder.carColor TextView vi.findViewById R.id.carColor holder.assetTag TextView vi.findViewById R.id.assetTag..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


holder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.item null holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text holder.image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.image vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag holder.text.setText.. R.layout.item null holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView vi.findViewById R.id.text holder.image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.image vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag holder.text.setText item position holder.image.setTag data..

ListView without ListActivity


holder if convertView null vi inflater.inflate R.layout.item null holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView vi.findViewById R.id.nameItem holder.phone TextView vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem holder.aim TextView vi.findViewById R.id.aimItem holder.dept.. R.layout.item null holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView vi.findViewById R.id.nameItem holder.phone TextView vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem holder.aim TextView vi.findViewById R.id.aimItem holder.dept TextView vi.findViewById R.id.deptItem vi.setTag.. TextView vi.findViewById R.id.nameItem holder.phone TextView vi.findViewById R.id.phoneItem holder.aim TextView vi.findViewById R.id.aimItem holder.dept TextView vi.findViewById R.id.deptItem vi.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder vi.getTag holder.name.setText..