

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:38

iphone Programming Glossary: boilerplate

Add to homescreen on mobile phone


mobile phone How can I code a button to make a shortcut for mobile phone especially on iPhone and Android. I'm using boilerplate as a framework so it would automatically be adding this on the head section link rel shortcut icon href img l apple touch..

Internal properties versus ivars


has more control e.g. nonatomic atomic readwrite etc.. So does that make it preferable The second method has less boilerplate so dose that win out Is there some other advantages of one method over the other iphone objective c ios automatic ref counting..

iOS: Get pixel-by-pixel data from camera


or AVCaptureStillImageOutput . Apple has some examples of this process in their documentation and it requires some boilerplate code to configure. Once you have your capture session configured and you are capturing data from the camera you will set.. here but I'd recommend that you also take a look at my open source framework which wraps the standard AV Foundation boilerplate and makes it easy to perform image processing on the GPU. Depending on what you want to do with these raw camera bytes I..

Fetched Properties - Predicate


PreloadStore UserStore . Each contains only contains the Entity needed. They are used with everything is else is from boilerplate NSPersistentStoreCoordinator persistentStoreCoordinator ... if __persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType NSSQLiteStoreType..

Property not found in object type


self.managedObjectContext return YES The error is at the controller.managedObjectContext. A lot of this is boilerplate code so there is not much to it. I just can't figure out why it is not seeing the property for the managed object context...

How to change boilerplate “Sent from my iPhone” text in MFMailViewController message body?


to change boilerplate &ldquo Sent from my iPhone&rdquo text in MFMailViewController message body I'm using the MFMailComposeViewController to.. and quick Googling doesn't turn up anything. Thanks in advance. iphone email message mfmailcomposeviewcontroll boilerplate share improve this question As far as I know this is a global mail setting that can be specified by the user. By default..

Set managedObjectContext of a UITableViewController with a UINavigationController


Thanks in advance ios iphone objective c core data uistoryboard share improve this question If you are using the boilerplate Apple template from Xcode your app delegate should have a method like this creating the managed objects dynamically when..

Core Data: UITableView with multiple NSFetchedResultControllers


tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath ... table cell dequeue or creation boilerplate stuff customize the cell if indexPath.section 0 get the managed object from fetchedResultsController1 customize the cell..

Skybox OpenGL ES iPhone and iPad


allocated yourself to be left with the result. That result can be directly uploaded to OpenGL. It's relatively short boilerplate stuff but OpenGL has no concept of PNGs and CoreGraphics has no convenient methods of pushing things into OpenGL. I've assumed..

Can I send email programmatically in iPhone app?


to the user where they have to fill in all the data and then explicitly press a send button. I cannot use this boilerplate functionality. I need to be able to send a message without presenting any interface to the user. I know this sounds evil..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


from. The FRC delegate methods must also figure out which tableView to update. It is surprising how much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate..

Why should I use @properties? [duplicate]


and releases each time you assign a new value to that but that would leave a lot of repetitious and trouble prone boilerplate code scattered all over the place like cherries in a fruitcake. That kind of mess is fiendishly difficult to debug when.. that code up in accessor methods so you can write it once and then forget about it. But accessor methods are mostly boilerplate too so we use @property declarations to create them automagically rather than writing them by hand. Edit Apple's Memory..

How to make a UITableViewCell with different subviews reusable?


videoClip.date more data setting ... TableViewFactory This class consists mainly of convenience methods and some boilerplate methods to do the real work. Convenience static method to create a VideoClipTableViewCell VideoClipTableViewCell videoClipTableViewCellWithTableView..

Example or explanation of Core Data Migration with multiple passes?


timeIntervalSince1970 used to convert the NSDate to a double. Finally we need to trigger the migration. I'll skip the boilerplate code for now. If you need it I'll post here. It can be found at Customizing the Migration Process it's just a merge of the..

Persisting Custom Objects


Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException'


language auto currently objective c gdb EDIT This is the top of my delegate.m file. As you can see it's all boilerplate #import LetsEatAppDelegate.h #import ItemsViewController.h @implementation LetsEatAppDelegate @synthesize window _window..

What is the difference between a .xib file and a .storyboard?


and it shows the flow of the screens. You can add segues transitions between screens this way. So this minimizes the boilerplate code required to manage multiple screens. Minimizes the overall no. of files in an app. You can avoid using Storyboard while..