

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:39

iphone Programming Glossary: boldsystemfontofsize

UIStringDrawing methods don't seem to be thread safe in iOS 6


NULL for int i 0 i 10000 i dispatch_async queue ^ NSString string @ My string CGSize size string sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 for int i 0 i 10000 i NSString string @ My string CGSize size string sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 dispatch_release.. boldSystemFontOfSize 13 for int i 0 i 10000 i NSString string @ My string CGSize size string sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 dispatch_release queue The app crashes after a few iterations of the loops with the following backtrace thread #1 tid..

italic, bold and underlined font on iPhone


bold and underlined font on iPhone How do you set a font to be both bold and italic. There is a boldSystemFontOfSize and italicSystemFoneOfSize but I can't see the way to set a font to be both italic and bold. As a second question is there..

How can I create a big, red UIButton with the iPhone SDK?


kRightMargin 52 sampleButton setTitle @ Button Title forState UIControlStateNormal sampleButton setFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 20 sampleButton setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ redButton.png stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 10.0 topCapHeight..

Add text to CALayer


Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


@selector setAttributedText iOS6 and above Use NSAttributedStrings const CGFloat fontSize 13 UIFont boldFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize fontSize UIFont regularFont UIFont systemFontOfSize fontSize UIColor foregroundColor UIColor whiteColor Create the attributes.. df release Create the text layer on demand if _textLayer _textLayer CATextLayer alloc init _textLayer.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 .fontName not needed since `string` property will be an NSAttributedString _textLayer.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor.. addSublayer _textLayer Create the attributes for the attributed string CGFloat fontSize 13 UIFont boldFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize fontSize CTFontRef ctBoldFont CTFontCreateWithName CFStringRef boldFont.fontName boldFont.pointSize NULL UIFont font UIFont..

Fixed labels in the selection bar of a UIPickerView


CGFloat top height CGFloat height #define PICKER_LABEL_FONT_SIZE 18 #define PICKER_LABEL_ALPHA 0.7 UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize PICKER_LABEL_FONT_SIZE CGFloat x rightX labelString sizeWithFont font .width White label 1 pixel below to simulate embossing... UILabel label UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 135 93 80 30 autorelease label.text @ Label label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 20 label.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor label.shadowColor UIColor whiteColor label.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 picker..

How to make a UITableViewCell with a UITextView inside, that dynamically adjust its height, on the basis of the UITextView?


@ Sample String to get the Size for the textView Will definitely work CGSize stringSize label sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 15 constrainedToSize CGSizeMake 320 9999 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap over here .... NSLog @ f stringSize.height.. indexPath.section NSString string d valueForKey @ Description CGSize stringSize string sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 15 constrainedToSize CGSizeMake 320 9999 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap UITextView textV UITextView alloc initWithFrame.. objectAtIndex indexPath.section NSString label d valueForKey @ Description CGSize stringSize label sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 15 constrainedToSize CGSizeMake 320 9999 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap return stringSize.height 25 After giving..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


0.0f SIDELENGTH SIDELENGTH UIRectFill myRect self.color set Drawing code CGSize textSize self.text sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize UIFont systemFontSize double capDiameter textSize.height double capRadius capDiameter 2.0 double capPadding capDiameter.. use plain white CGContextSetRGBFillColor context 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f self.text drawInRect textBounds withFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize UIFont systemFontSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeClip alignment UITextAlignmentCenter UIImage image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


forState UIControlStateNormal btnTest setTitle @ Back forState UIControlStateNormal btnTest.titleLabel setFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 btnTest setBackgroundImage imgToolbarButton stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 5 topCapHeight 0 forState UIControlStateNormal..

How to write text on image in objective-c iPhone?


the resulting image UIImage drawText NSString text inImage UIImage image atPoint CGPoint point UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext image.size image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 image.size.width image.size.height CGRect rect..

Customization of UINavigationBar and the back button


20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f NSString title NSLocalizedString @ Back nil UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton styledButtonWithBackgroundImage image font font title title target target selector selector.. 20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f NSString title NSLocalizedString @ Cancel nil UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton styledButtonWithBackgroundImage image font font title title target target selector selector.. imageNamed @ button_submit image image stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth 20.0f topCapHeight 20.0f UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12.0f UIButton button UIButton styledButtonWithBackgroundImage image font font title title target target selector selector..