

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:09

iphone Programming Glossary: loadnibnamed

viewDidLoad getting called twice on rootViewController at launch


in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #13 0x30ab6eb3 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #14 0x308f85f1 in UIApplication _loadMainNibFile #15 0x30901a15 in UIApplication _runWithURL sourceBundleID.. in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #2 0x30ab6eb3 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #3 0x308f85f1 in UIApplication _loadMainNibFile #4 0x30901a15 in UIApplication _runWithURL sourceBundleID..

Pop-up modal with UITableView on iPhone


controller assume I have a property in my view controller for DialogView myDialog NSArray nibViews NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ DialogView owner myDialog options nil myDialog nibViews objectAtIndex 0 self.view addSubview myDialog problem is i'm trying..

How to display multiple columns in a UITableView?


aTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier DetailCellIdentifier if cell nil NSArray cellObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ DetailCell owner self options nil cell UITableViewCell cellObjects objectAtIndex 0 setup your cell when you define the..

Multiple columns in Tableview


cellIdentifier if cell nil load cell from nib to controller's IBOutlet NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ MyTableCellView owner self options nil assign IBOutlet to cell cell myCell self.myCell nil id modelObject myModel objectAtIndex..

problem with “this class is not key value coding-compliant”


cell AlertCell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil NSArray nib NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ AlertCell owner nil options nil for id oneObject in nib if oneObject isKindOfClass UITableViewCell class cell AlertCell.. cell.actionText.text arrayAlert objectAtIndex indexPath.row return cell On this line NSArray nib NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ AlertCell owner nil options nil As asked here is my header for the TableViewCOntroller #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface..

what actually is File Owner and First Responder in iPhone SDK - xCode?


the instance of your view controller as your view controller is the owner. Nibs are loaded using NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ NibName owner nil options nil The owner parameter is particularly important. That's the runtime instance of a class that..

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?


if self super initWithCoder coder UIView tMyActualSelf nil Initialization code NSArray tNibItems NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ UIAwesomeSauce owner self options nil for id object in tNibItems if object isKindOfClass UIView class tMyActualSelf.. you just can't set it up in IB. Basically you'd call the nib load something like this in the UIView subclass bundle loadNibNamed @ UISpecialSauce owner self options ... I think if you create outlets in UISpecialSauce or whatever then they should be..

how to create custom tableViewCell from xib


cell EditCell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil NSArray nib NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ YourNibNameHere owner self options nil cell EditCell nib objectAtIndex 0 cell.editRow.text @ some text to test return..

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


to from design time coordinates . In code I load the view UIView loadTemplate NSArray nib NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ ReportTemplate owner self options nil for id view in nib if view isKindOfClass UIView class return view return nil I..

UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?


l view id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self Initialization code. NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ MyView owner self options nil self addSubview self.view return self void awakeFromNib super awakeFromNib commenters report.. super awakeFromNib commenters report the next line causes infinite recursion so removing it NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ MyView owner self options nil self addSubview self.view void dealloc l release view release super dealloc Here's what..

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key authView


388 10 UIKit 0x3224b577 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 586 11 UIKit 0x3224cb39 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 12 UIKit 0x3209e871 UIApplication _loadMainNibFile 96 13 UIKit 0x3209a1fd UIApplication _runWithURL payload..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


format 34 4 UIKit 0x330d2a53 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1110 5 UIKit 0x330d3e09 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 6 UIKit 0x3304d5e9 UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed bundle 36 7 UIKit 0x3301afa5 UIViewController..

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key givenName


BOOL fileExists NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath databasePath if fileExists TRUE NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ ProxDealsViewController owner self options nil else NSString defaultDBPath NSBundle mainBundle resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent.. 0 @ Failed to create writable database file with message ' @ . error localizedDescription NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ UserRegistration owner self options nil and this error Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException'..

Customize the MKAnnotationView callout


self class self super initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier identifier if self nil NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed identifier owner self options nil prevent the tap and double tap from reaching views underneath UITapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer..

iPhone: How to load a View using a nib file created with Interface Builder


myViewFromNib to the main view in the nib. 5 Now in MyViewController write the following line NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ myViewNib owner self options nil Now as soon as you do that calling your property self.myViewFromNib will give you access..