

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:44

iphone Programming Glossary: tapped

UIButton in UITableView cell like “Delete Event”


the cell allocation code. The button needs to have a position and also a target set for it so it'll do something when tapped. If every cell is going to have this button a neat trick is to have them all point to the same target method but set the..

UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear


NSLog @ searchBar textDidChange isFirstResponder i self.searchBar isFirstResponder if searchBar isFirstResponder user tapped the 'clear' button shouldBeginEditing NO do whatever I want to happen when the user clears the search... BOOL searchBarShouldBeginEditing..

How does the iOS app Display Recorder record the screen without using private API?


app runs in the background short of some key pieces of functionality like audio playing etc . Even if the developer tapped into private API libraries to accomplish this how were they able to do this in a way that wasn't detected during review..

How can I check if a user tapped near a CGPath?


can I check if a user tapped near a CGPath Scenario I have a set of CGPath s. They are mostly just lines i.e. not closed shapes . They are drawn on.. lines i.e. not closed shapes . They are drawn on the screen in a UIView 's draw method. How can I check if the user tapped near one of the paths Here's what I had working UIGraphincsBeginImageContext CGPathGetBoundingBox path CGContextRef g UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext.. kludginess about making a CGContext just for this purpose. So does anybody have any ideas How do I check if a user tapped near in this case within 15 pixels of any area on a CGPath iphone quartz graphics share improve this question In iOS..

How to use one UIPickerView for multiple textfields in one view?


you could create lets say 8 different arrays one for populating the UIPickerView depending on what UITextField was tapped. Declare them in the interface as NSArray and initialize in viewDidLoad array1st ... array2nd ... array3d ... and until..

UITableViewCell Accessory Type Checked on Tap & Set other unchecked


When User tap any of the cell Cell gets selected I want to set checked set uitableviewcell accessory type checked of tapped cell And also all other cell's accessory type now should set to uitable view cell accessory type none I have tried following..

Prevent automatic popToRootViewController on double-tap of UITabBarController


UITabBarController is to pop the contained UINavigationController to the root view controller when a particular tab is tapped a second time. I have a particular use case where I'm wanting this to not work automatically and I'm having a hard time..

Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable


I created a subclass of UILabel UITextField should work the same that displays a UIMenuController after being tapped. CopyableLabel.m looks like this @implementation CopyableLabel BOOL canPerformAction SEL action withSender id sender if..

How do I tell if my iPhone app is running when a Push Notification is received?


UIButton block equivalent to addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method?


Something like this would be awesome button handleControlEvent UIControlEventTouchUpInside withBlock ^ NSLog @ I was tapped iphone uibutton objective c blocks share improve this question I just implemented this. It work's like a charm And..

Action sheet doesn't display when the MFMailComposeViewController's cancel button is tapped


sheet doesn't display when the MFMailComposeViewController's cancel button is tapped I'm trying to incorporate MFMailComposeViewController in my app. When I present it modally the send button works fine and..

how to crop image in to pieces programmatically


share improve this question The code below is also a solution that detects the piece of the picture that was tapped on. The idea is to take a UIImage and use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect to crop out pieces. From the cropped piece create.. the UIImageView in a UIView. Finally provide the gesture and a unique tag so that the piece can be identified when tapped on. void loadView UIView root UIView alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame UIImage whole UIImage imageNamed..

show another view when map annotation are clicked


view calloutAccessoryControlTapped UIControl control NSLog @ inside the stupid method Here the annotation tapped can be accessed using view.annotation Remove the detailButton addTarget... line from viewForAnnotation . Also note your..

How pass data in seque ios5 storyboard uitableview to detail view


. It turns out that is an example app with the iOS5 SDK which has a table view that uses segues when a table cell is tapped Simple Drill Down . http developer.apple.com library ios #samplecode SimpleDrillDown Introduction Intro.html You do set..

How do I make a modal date picker that only covers half the screen?


txtTextField.inputView dtpPicker 3.You are almost done. Now when the textfield becomes the first responder the user tapped it the user will be presented with a picker view. Just fill it with your own values. or use a date picker. 4.You can set..

Facebook API dialog page showing error in second time and after that


user loggen in and dialog page appears and i posted my msg.and it worked fine for first time only.when user tapped a button to share again the dialog appears and showing error page Error occurred with 'Your_APP_NAME'.please try again later...