

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: trigger

How to disable multitouch?


to disable multitouch My app has several buttons which trigger different events. The user should NOT be able to hold down several buttons. Anyhow holding down several buttons crashes..

Checkbox image toggle in UITableViewCell


forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside Set the UIImageView's image property to update the image that will trigger the redraw without side effects. void toggleImage selected selected imageView.image selected selectedImage normalImage Use..

Can I trigger a CSS event in mobile safari upon iphone orientation change?


I trigger a CSS event in mobile safari upon iphone orientation change I'm trying to figure out how to change an embedded web page..

iPhone: How to Pass Data Between Several Viewcontrollers in a Tabbar App


controller. The only reason a view controllers needs to know of the existence of another controller is if it has to trigger the loading of that other controller. The quick and dirty way to create a data model is to add attributes to the app delegate..

Setting direction for UISwipeGestureRecognizer


is a bug. You can specify the allowed direction s as you did. But when you try to access the actual direction that triggered the swipe in the action selector method you still get the bit mask you originally set for the allowed directions . This.. the behavior works as was intended. So for example in a table view you can swipe left or right in a table view cell to trigger 'delete' this would have directions of the swipe gesture set to left and right This means that the original workaround is..

How to make a chat system on iPhone?


to efficiently check for new messages Would I need to simply poll the server periodically Or is there a way I could trigger an event on the phone from the server whenever there is some new content to pay attention to If having to poll all the time..

Blocks instead of performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: [duplicate]


instead of performSelector withObject afterDelay duplicate This question already has an answer here How do you trigger a block after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay 10 answers I often want to execute some code a..

How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?


do you trigger a block after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


Tom Swift has explained the amazing idea of quite simply manipulating the run loop . Here's how you trigger the run loop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate date This is a truly amazing piece..

Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android


inputs on the same page some devices show previous and next to get into another form field. On iOS 4 this does not trigger the onclick handler and hence gives the user a regular input. Using onfocus to trigger the plugin seems to work better... field. On iOS 4 this does not trigger the onclick handler and hence gives the user a regular input. Using onfocus to trigger the plugin seems to work better. On iOS 4 using onclick or onfocus to trigger the iOS plugin first makes the regular keyboard.. user a regular input. Using onfocus to trigger the plugin seems to work better. On iOS 4 using onclick or onfocus to trigger the iOS plugin first makes the regular keyboard show after which the date picker is placed on top of that. Next after using..

Can somebody explain the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?


If you override loadView you must set the viewController's view property. Otherwise the next call to view will trigger the loading process again. The view may also be unloaded at any time during the lifetime of your program simply by setting..

How to make ui responsive all the time and do background updating?


is resposible for handling touch events i suppose . Also i would like to mention that when a thumbnail is created i trigger a Async download of the image and the delegate method is called when download is complete. Let me know the the options i..

Why does viewWillAppear not get called when an app comes back from the background?


follows void viewWillAppear BOOL animated self doMyLayoutStuff self void doMyLayoutStuff id sender stuff Then also you trigger doMyLayoutStuff from the appropriate notification NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector..

Example or explanation of Core Data Migration with multiple passes?


which is almost identical just a timeIntervalSince1970 used to convert the NSDate to a double. Finally we need to trigger the migration. I'll skip the boilerplate code for now. If you need it I'll post here. It can be found at Customizing the..

iPhone hide Navigation Bar only on first page


the first view loads and then hidden when the children get called. Trouble is that I cannot find the event action to trigger it to hide again when they get back to the root view.... I have a test button on the root page that manually does the action..

How to trigger MKAnnotationView's callout view without touching the pin?


to trigger MKAnnotationView's callout view without touching the pin I'm working on a MKMapView with the usual colored pin as the location..