

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: triggers

iOS Paper fold (origami / accordion) effect animation, with manual control


thanks in advance EDIT Okay here's some example code to better illustrate what I'm struggling with This method triggers the origami effect animation void showOrigamiTransitionWith UIView view NumberOfFolds NSInteger folds Duration CGFloat..

Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs


called backgroundMOC . It is a child of a mainMOC which is linked to the main UI so saving on the backgroundMOC triggers UI changes. The mainMOC is a child of a masterMOC which is a private background queue tied to the persistent store so saving..

iOS app missing screenshot


without the requirement to add the new screenshots for the iPhone 5. I think the presence of the Default 568h@2x.png triggers the need to have iPhone 5 screenshots. To summarize the problem I had was caused by adding the Default 568h@2x.png file..

UIView Animation Inconsistent Result


This means that if you change the frame of a view autolayout will undo your change the next time it runs. The system triggers autolayout automatically at various times including when you scroll a scroll view. That's why you're seeing your view œjump..

Change UITableView section header/footer WHILE RUNNING the app?


e.g. return NSDate date description ... Then when you need to update the section title send an NSNotification that triggers something like the following method void refreshTableSectionTitles NSNotification notification tableView reloadData If the..

iPhone AVAudioPlayer stopping background music


AVAudioPlayer stopping background music So I've just noticed that on my iPod Touch when my app triggers a short wav file to play using AVAudioPlayer the music gets paused. Is this normal I can't find any reference to this and..

Periodic iOS background location updates


task iphone ios objective c core location share improve this question It seems that stopUpdatingLocation is what triggers the background watchdog timer so I replaced it in didUpdateLocation with self.locationManager setDesiredAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers..

How to use NSXMLParser to parse parent-child elements that have the same name


void showCurrentDepth NSLog @ Current depth d depth @end This is the result of running a command line tool that triggers the start method above Document started Current depth 1 Outer name tag Main Current depth 2 Inner name tag Child 1 Current..

UITableView flexible/dynamic heightForRowAtIndexPath


when the table view cell becomes visible the script will call the setNeedDisplay method on the UITableVieCell which triggers the drawRect method to draw the cell. So calling the cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate directly will not lose performance because..

Is it possible to force ignore the :hover pseudoclass for iPhone/iPad users?


. Also if there is a link inside the element that is hover 'ed you have to tap twice to activate the link first tap triggers hover second tap triggers link . I've been able to make things work nicely on iphone by binding the touchstart event. The.. inside the element that is hover 'ed you have to tap twice to activate the link first tap triggers hover second tap triggers link . I've been able to make things work nicely on iphone by binding the touchstart event. The problem is that sometimes..

Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?


return 44 This will return height 100 for the selected cell. Now we can go back to the begin end updates. That block triggers the reload of all tableView geometry. Moreover that block is animated which eventually gives the impresions of the row expanding...

How do you get the touchesBegan coordinates when a UIButton is triggered?


user touches the screen. It works great except when I touch down on a UIButton. How do I make it so that the button triggers the touchesBegan method too iphone objective c ios ipad share improve this question Add event handlers to the button..

Action Trigger when I hold UIButton for 2 second in iPhone


alloc initWithTarget self action @selector doAction longPress_gr setMinimumPressDuration 2 triggers the action after 2 seconds of press yourButton addGestureRecognizer longPress_gr To let your action get triggered only once..

UISwipeGestureRecognizer Swipe length


share improve this question It's impossible to get a distance from a swipe gesture because the SwipeGesture triggers the method where you could access the location exactly one time when the gesture has ended. Maybe you want to use a UIPanGestureRecognizer...

iAd — cannot click banner


___PROJECTNAME___ViewController alloc init autorelease self.window setRootViewController viewController triggers loadView self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES iAdVC.m void loadView self.uberView UIView alloc initWithFrame UIScreen..

iOS automatic hover fix?


on the basis of the fact that... After you click a link on the iphone or ipad it leaves a simulated mouse hover that triggers the a hover css styling on that link. If the link has a javascript handler that keeps you on same page the hover state will..

Calling method in current view controller from App Delegate in iOS


App Delegate called upload. The upload function basically does an HTTP request and if its successful or unsuccessful triggers a uialertview. This is working fine. The part I'm struggling with is from within the app delegate's connectionDidFinishLoading..

*Send to Instagram* Trick by *100 Cameras in 1*


urls to another app. But this Send to Instagram trick done by 100 Cameras in 1 just caught my attention. When the user triggers this action he jumps from 100 Cameras in 1 to Instagram right away which is OK and could be easily implemented by the url..

filtering single and double taps


method to run. When the user double taps i need another method do take place. The problem is that the double tap triggers the single tap and it introduce bugs in my logic. I can't use UIGestureRecognizer because i need to keep track of the points...