

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: trim

Objective C - Remove last character from string


class create an action method you will hook the button up to in Interface Builder. Inside that method you can trim your string like this if string length 0 string string substringToIndex string length 1 else no characters to delete.....

iphone sdk - Remove all characters except for numbers 0-9 from a string


if there are any obvious typos they're just typos. iphone nsstring share improve this question You're using a trim method which means that it's only looking at the outer edges of the string. You're probably getting something like 555 555..

Removing multiple spaces in NSString


multiple spaces in NSString I have a NSString this has multiple spaces I want to trim those spaces and make a single space for e.g.@ how.....are.......you into @ how are you . dots are simply spaces I have.. a single space for e.g.@ how.....are.......you into @ how are you . dots are simply spaces I have tried with NSString trimmedString user_ids stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet It not seems to work. Any idea... is a space followed by one or more occurrences of space. Replace this with a single space in your string NSString trimmedString regex stringByReplacingMatchesInString user_ids options 0 range NSMakeRange 0 user_ids length withTemplate @ ..

Pesky new lines and whitespace in XML reader class


kXMLReaderTextNodeKey iphone objective c ios4 nsdictionary nsxmlparser share improve this question You could trim the values you get out of that class NSString trimmedValue value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet.. nsdictionary nsxmlparser share improve this question You could trim the values you get out of that class NSString trimmedValue value stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet That would remove leading..

Creating ARPA language model file with 50,000 words


model lm en_US cmu07a.dic Convert the contents of cmu07a.dic to all uppercase letters. If you want you could also trim down the pronunciation dictionary by removing any words from it which aren't found in the corpus language_model.vocabulary..

Strip out HTML Tags etc from NSString [duplicate]


solutions e.g. LibXML but I would like some examples to work with. Current solution NSString flattenHTML NSString html trimWhiteSpace BOOL trim NSScanner theScanner NSString text nil theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString html while theScanner.. but I would like some examples to work with. Current solution NSString flattenHTML NSString html trimWhiteSpace BOOL trim NSScanner theScanner NSString text nil theScanner NSScanner scannerWithString html while theScanner isAtEnd NO find start.. later if you wish html html stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString NSString stringWithFormat @ @ text withString @ trim off whitespace return trim html stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet html iphone..

How to know if a UITextField in iOS has blank spaces


to enter only white spaces blank spaces iphone ios ipad nsstring uitextfield share improve this question You can trim the text that is remove all the whitespace at the start and end. If all that's left is an empty string then only whitespace.. NSString rawString textField text NSCharacterSet whitespace NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet NSString trimmed rawString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet whitespace if trimmed length 0 Text was empty or only whitespace. If you want.. whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet NSString trimmed rawString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet whitespace if trimmed length 0 Text was empty or only whitespace. If you want to check whether there is any whitespace anywhere in the text..