

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: tstart

Drawing rotated text with NSString drawInRect


but I'm not sure how it works since it only sort of works for me https discussions.apple.com thread 1779814 start 0 tstart 0 My code looks like CGContextSaveGState context CGContextDrawLinearGradient context gradient CGPointMake 0 centY halfWidth..

Is it possible to play video using Avplayer in Background?


here is some discussion about play video in background 1 https discussions.apple.com thread 2799090 start 0 tstart 0 2 http www.cocoawithlove.com 2011 04 background audio through ios movie.html But there are many apps in AppStore that..

AssertMacros: queueEntry error -ios


Read UDID from Iphone with javascript on mobile safari


code on how did that site retrieve the UDID thru mobileconfig. https discussions.apple.com thread 3089948 start 0 tstart 0 Update the site mentioned in this answer is no longer on line it's now just a placeholder full of ads. Leaving original..

iPhone - NavigationBar Custom Background [duplicate]


Multiple MKOverlays on a MKMapView lead to memory warnings


How can I programmatically pause an NSTimer?


c cocoa touch share improve this question From here http discussions.apple.com thread.jspa threadID 1811475 tstart 75 You can store the amount of time that has passed since the timer started... When the timer starts store the date in an..

keyboard in UIActionSheet does not type anything


it seems like it only works for alert views http discussions.info.apple.com thread.jspa threadID 1674641 start 0 tstart 0 And here someone making their own action sheet instead how to enable text input in UITextField which is in UIActionSheet..

Changing the source of a static library needs clean and build in xcode 4


This is a bug in xcode 4.0.2 might be fixed in future version . From https devforums.apple.com thread 91711 start 25 tstart 0 Set static libraries in project under Frameworks to Relative to Build Products Close XCode Edit project.pbxproj and remove..

Custom UINavigationBar Background


the titleView but have been struggling. I found this thread http discussions.apple.com thread.jspa threadID 1649012 tstart 0 But am not sure how to implement the code snippet that is given. Is the code implemented as a new class Also where do..

using image or tint color on uinavigationbar in iphone?


question Was looking for this a week ago. Found this over here discussions. apple. com thread.jspa threadID 1649012 tstart 0 sorry won't let me post a real link . void setBackgroundImage UIImage image withTag NSInteger bgTag if image NULL might..