

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: trouble

MKMapView Zoom and Region


Placeholder in UITextView


from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble. UIPlaceHolderTextView.h #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface UIPlaceHolderTextView UITextView..

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


@ Unresolved error @ @ error error userInfo abort return persistentStoreCoordinator I am having trouble seeing where and how I should add the Apple code to get the Automatic Lightweight Migration working..

iPhone app in landscape mode


anything below 4.0 so the question is now only a historic curiosity. It's incredible how much trouble that caused so many developers for so long Purely for historical reasons here is the original discussion..

“Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture” even with build config set


while since I've had to adjust project build settings. After upgrading to a recent SDK I'm having trouble building my ad hoc distribution configuration. Build generates this warning and error warning iPhone..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


question so I created a new tab based project which just includes the parts of my app I'm having trouble with here. You can download it from http www.servinitup.net CustomCalloutAnnotation.zip Feel free to..

Having trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C


trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C I am using the iPhone SDK and have an issue doing something..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


take a little more thinking about to do correctly. Fancy handling of ObjC varargs can also cause trouble. Most things involving math on an ObjC pointer is trickier. You shouldn't have much of this in any case...

MKMapView Zoom and Region


Placeholder in UITextView


modifications to bcd's solution to allow for initialization from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble. UIPlaceHolderTextView.h #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface UIPlaceHolderTextView UITextView @property nonatomic retain NSString placeholder @property nonatomic..

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


configuration nil URL storeUrl options nil error error NSLog @ Unresolved error @ @ error error userInfo abort return persistentStoreCoordinator I am having trouble seeing where and how I should add the Apple code to get the Automatic Lightweight Migration working iphone core data data migration share improve this question..

iPhone app in landscape mode


with no problem. As of April 2011 there is no reason to support anything below 4.0 so the question is now only a historic curiosity. It's incredible how much trouble that caused so many developers for so long Purely for historical reasons here is the original discussion and solution to repeat this is totally irrelevant now It..

“Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture” even with build config set


architecture&rdquo even with build config set It's been a while since I've had to adjust project build settings. After upgrading to a recent SDK I'm having trouble building my ad hoc distribution configuration. Build generates this warning and error warning iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture current ARCHS armv7..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


some reputation points Update #4 This is a pretty complicated question so I created a new tab based project which just includes the parts of my app I'm having trouble with here. You can download it from http www.servinitup.net CustomCalloutAnnotation.zip Feel free to open it up need to add your own bundle identifier to run it..

Having trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C


trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C I am using the iPhone SDK and have an issue doing something simple. I am trying to add an NSNumber object to an..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


that treats an id as a void . Things like C arrays of id can take a little more thinking about to do correctly. Fancy handling of ObjC varargs can also cause trouble. Most things involving math on an ObjC pointer is trickier. You shouldn't have much of this in any case. You cannot put an id in a struct . This is fairly rare..

iOS PNG Image rotated 90 degrees


post the code upon request though. iphone objective c ios png exif share improve this question If you're having trouble due to the existing image imageOrientation property you can construct an otherwise identical image with different orientation..

How does the iOS app Display Recorder record the screen without using private API?


path are the strings of the symbols that it loads from each framework dynamically. This is to avoid getting in trouble for linking against a Private Framework. Since it is loaded in at runtime a static analyzer cannot tell that this app uses..

how do I use UIScrollView in Interface Builder?


Builder While I've used UIScrollView successfully in the past by manipulating it programmatically I'm having trouble getting it to work by setting it up exclusively in Interface Builder. I have a simple about page in my iPhone app. It has..

MKMapView Zoom and Region


iphone Core Data Unresolved error while saving


Edit I almost forgot here's all the error codes that Core Data spits out Core Data Constants Reference I had trouble with this before and I realised I unchecked the correct optional box. Such trouble finding out the problem. Good luck. ..

Placeholder in UITextView


for initialization from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble. UIPlaceHolderTextView.h #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface UIPlaceHolderTextView UITextView @property nonatomic..

libxml/tree.h no such file or directory


I am getting following errors. I have already added libxml2.dylib to my project however I am getting this type of trouble. Please help me. iphone objective c xcode libxml2 libxml share improve this question Follow the directions here under..

In iOS6, trouble forcing ViewController to certain interfaceOrientation when pushed on stack


iOS6 trouble forcing ViewController to certain interfaceOrientation when pushed on stack I have the following view controller set up..

CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter


The UIGraphics methods are designed to be called from the main thread only. They are probably the source of your trouble. You can replace UIGraphicsBeginImageContext with a call to CGBitmapContextCreate it's a little more involved you need to..

Saving image to Documents directory and retrieving for email attachment


image to Documents directory and retrieving for email attachment I having trouble figuring out NSBundle DocumentDirectory data I have a Camera Picture imageView that I'm saving to the NSDocumentDirectoy..

Implementation of “Automatic Lightweight Migration” for Core Data (iPhone)


nil error error NSLog @ Unresolved error @ @ error error userInfo abort return persistentStoreCoordinator I am having trouble seeing where and how I should add the Apple code to get the Automatic Lightweight Migration working iphone core data data..

iPhone app in landscape mode


is no reason to support anything below 4.0 so the question is now only a historic curiosity. It's incredible how much trouble that caused so many developers for so long Purely for historical reasons here is the original discussion and solution to..

“Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture” even with build config set


set It's been a while since I've had to adjust project build settings. After upgrading to a recent SDK I'm having trouble building my ad hoc distribution configuration. Build generates this warning and error warning iPhone apps should include..

Getting displacement from accelerometer data with Core Motion


good under certain circumstances and within a short period of time. But than after a few seconds you will run into trouble because your object is drifting away. Now you will enter the difficult part of the solution which I failed to handle eventually..

XCode 4 hangs at “Attaching to (app name)”


Bundle Resources. Resources folder added to the project as a folder reference the blue folder icon . That caused the trouble after adding the folder as a group the problem went away. Thanks. iphone objective c xcode ipad xcode4 share improve..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


a pretty complicated question so I created a new tab based project which just includes the parts of my app I'm having trouble with here. You can download it from http www.servinitup.net CustomCalloutAnnotation.zip Feel free to open it up need to..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


contains the changed touches and ignoring events for the wrong finger altogether . If that does not work you are in trouble. Theoretically you can try to create artificial touches to feed to UIScrollView by creating a class that looks similar to..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


I'm trying to server HTML Javascript and CSS content from an iPhone application's local resources and I'm having trouble handling onOrientationChange events and including external Javascript. I seem to be able to link in CSS properly but not..

Having trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C


trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C I am using the iPhone SDK and have an issue doing something simple. I am..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


C arrays of id can take a little more thinking about to do correctly. Fancy handling of ObjC varargs can also cause trouble. Most things involving math on an ObjC pointer is trickier. You shouldn't have much of this in any case. You cannot put..

Trouble with CLLocation method distanceFromLocation: Inaccurate results


with CLLocation method distanceFromLocation Inaccurate results I am trying to use the distanceFromLocation method to calculate..

cannot find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView',superclass of 'AttackLayer'


eyes would help I am getting a Cannot find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView' superclass of 'AttackLayer'. Trouble is i have imported all the necessary header files and the only thing i can think of is the multiple level inheritance here..

Trouble using opaque pointers in Objective C++


using opaque pointers in Objective C The answer to this quesion explains that opaque pointers are a good way to include..

Trouble decoding with NSKeyedUnarchiver


decoding with NSKeyedUnarchiver I am writing an app targeted at iOS 4.0 on XCode 3.2.3 where I store some data when the..

Trouble with newline character while programming for the iPhone


with newline character while programming for the iPhone I'm storing text in a sqlite file and setting the text of a UITextView..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


Recalculate the correct new offset from the bottom of the scrollview setContentOffset Underlying scrollview method Trouble is the reloadData causes the scrollview tableview to start scrolling briefly then the setContentOffset returns it to the..

Trouble with loading a separate XIB for iPad or iPhone


with loading a separate XIB for iPad or iPhone Im having trouble figuring out how to load a separate XIB for iPad or for..

Trouble running Instruments on iPad


running Instruments on iPad I'm trying to profile my application using Instruments on the device itself. Specifically I'm..

iPhone hide Navigation Bar only on first page


and shows the navigational bar. It is hidden when the first view loads and then hidden when the children get called. Trouble is that I cannot find the event action to trigger it to hide again when they get back to the root view.... I have a test..

UIImage Shadow Trouble


Shadow Trouble I'm trying to add a small shadow to an image much like the icon shadows in the App Store. Right now I'm using the following..