

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: troubles

How can I make deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: work with GenericTableViewController?


is not the same but got me headed in the right direction. I'll leave this here for anyone in the future having similar troubles. The key is to wrap the deleteRowsAtIndexPaths with begin and end tags and force the model to update within the same block..

In the iOS SDK, how can I help my users send MMS intermixed with SMS from my app?


MMS. Is there a way to do either of these things iphone ios sms mms share improve this question I had the same troubles when sending MMS. I resolved it in this way UIPasteboard generalPasteboard .image yourImage UIApplication sharedApplication..

Table View Scrolling Async


it's pretty smooth scrolling even on older devices. If you want me to post code I'm happy to. If you're still having troubles the CPU profiler is pretty great for identifying the bottlenecks and letting you know where you should focus your attention...

Xcode 4.5 - can't install developer .ipa files via iTunes


failed. The very important info is that I can build runnable app in xCode 4.2 and install it via iTunnes without any troubles with the same certificate and provision profiles I can run the app directly on device if I run it via Xcode Checked all..

How do you interpret dates with NSDateFormatter?


In the Apple Docs they say that NSDateFormatter uses the Unicode for spec. I've read the spec but I'm having troubles interpreting this date NSDateFormatter frm NSDateFormatter alloc init frm setDateFormat @ EEE MMM dd HH mm ss ZZZ yyyy NSLog..

How to create a global environment variable that can be accessed by SpringBoard or other applications in the jailbroken iPhone?


iPhone UIImageView pinch zoom


Objective-C categories in static library


to avoid conflicts wich all_load can cause in some cases. Yes it works with .a files added to the project. Yet I had troubles with lib project added as direct dependency. But later I found that it was my fault direct dependency projecct possibly..

iPhone CGContext: drawing two lines with two different colors


CGContext drawing two lines with two different colors I am having some troubles using the CGContext with an iPhone app. I am trying to draw several lines with different colors but all the lines always..

(iPhone) how to implement draggable pins using OS 4.0 MapKit?


How do I detect orientation on app launch for splash screen animation on iPad!


approach Thanks iphone uikit uiinterfaceorientation uidevice device orientation share improve this question I had troubles with this and I solved it by making one image 1024x1024 and setting the contentMode of the UIImageView to UIViewContentModeTop..

How to grab the NEXT fire date from a UILocalNotification object


object I have a UILocalNotification object that I have setup with repeat intervals day week and month. I am having no troubles at all accessing the fire date of the object cell.detailTextLabel setText notification1.fireDate description But I am having.. accessing the fire date of the object cell.detailTextLabel setText notification1.fireDate description But I am having troubles getting the next fire date. If I print out the above notification1 object to the console I get this UIConcreteLocalNotification..

Failed to save to data store: The operation couldn?™t be completed. (Cocoa error 133020.)


error 133020. I am working on quite complex app with huge sync procedure beetwen iphone and web server. I have no troubles with adding records until I run sync procedure in separete thread and It will update data on serwer and send them back to..

Adding quartzcore to xcode 4 for iOS


quartzcore to xcode 4 for iOS I have troubles installing quartzcore on xCode 4 regarding an iOS application. I've searched a lot and seen a lot of posts but I just can't..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


of course. I am just masking them for the purpose of sharing this code. I know that some people are still having troubles with this and may be using this question as reference on how to set up their own iCloud enabled Core Data applications so..

iPhone 4 is there an absolutely certain way to have a long term NSTimer fire


4 is there an absolutely certain way to have a long term NSTimer fire I keep having troubles with my NSTimers and background selectors. It is driving me nuts and takes a very long time to try out each tweak. To preserve..

Is it important to design iPhone App layouts flexible?


it important to design iPhone App layouts flexible I am wondering if I would run into troubles when setting the heights of my views in the neb with fixed values. Example The height of the Status Bar is known. It's 20..

Forwarding UIGesture to views behind


UIGesture to views behind I am working on an iphone iOS 4.0 or later app and having some troubles with touch handling between multiple views. I am having a view structure like this A superView SubView A SubView B exactly..