

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:05

iphone Programming Glossary: yours

How to change thin image to fat image in iPhone SDK?


our company right now. We're tackling faces which is an easier problem to do realistically. Here is a before image of yours truly And here it is with a fat face transformation What I did is to import the image into an OpenGL texture and then apply..

selecting alternative first view controller from story board at application startup


login animated NO completion nil iphone ios5 storyboard share improve this question I have a similar scenario as yours. My application uses a UINavigationController as the root view controller. If the user is logged in I want to present him..

How to programmatically send SMS on the iPhone?


background. I'm sure you really want to have spams from your friends Try out this new game It roxxers my boxxers and yours will be too roxxersboxxers.com If you sign up now you'll get 3 200 RB points Apple has restrictions for automated or even..

Table View Scrolling Async


the cell in question having scrolled off the screen and your algorithm could crash . I use an algorithm very much like yours with almost the same GCD structure with the above caveats and it's pretty smooth scrolling even on older devices. If you..

Nil NSDate when trying to get date from UTC string in zulu time


How can my server securely authenticate iPhone in-app purchase?


Also users cannot pretend to be your server by having the device on a private network with a host of the same name as yours since they won't have your SSL certificate. Failure Considerations Since failure might occur between when the user's device..

iPhone apps: Can I open an app from a link in a website?


launch with a twitterapp here is my tweet URL. If you preload your app with the correct URL scheme you can do this for yours too. Here's a sample URL scheme from the info.plist key CFBundleURLTypes key array dict key CFBundleURLName key string com.standalone.cooltwitterapp..

Objective-C : How to fetch the router address?


get a default route based on the IP address an interface on your machine has. Any IP address within the same range as yours can be a default gateway the only rule is that both your IP and the default gateway need to be part of the same subnet...

iPhone + UITableView + place an image for separator


#import UIKit UIKit.h #import Item.h @interface SavedTableCell UITableViewCell my cell has one label and one image but yours would have an image placed at the bottom of the cell's frame UILabel primaryLabel UIImageView icon i just made up the class..

iPhone: Duplicate Symbol Error?


you are also linking in your project a framework or library containing a class whose name is exactly the same of yours. Try finding in the whole project your class and make sure only one copy is available within your project. share improve..

UISlider to control AVAudioPlayer


you'd set the slider to be continuous with a maximum value of your audio player's duration then add some object of yours probably the view controller as a target for the slider's UIControlEventValueChanged event when you receive the action message..

iPhone SDK: accessing indexed color PNG images


up form eight bits per pixel to thirty two to avoid the overhead. If anyone has the magic answer for me 100 points are yours iphone objective c png share improve this question By loading the image as a CGImage rather than an UIImage using CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider..

Directly accessing nested dictionary values in Objective-C


can use them to retrieve nested values from objects that support Key Value Coding including NSDictionary objects like yours. So in your case this should work result valueForKeyPath @ location.name For more detail on Key Value Coding see Apple's..

Data syncing with DropBox API and iOS


the contents of a folder couldn't be easier. All you need to do is check the modified date and if it's different than yours locally perform the appropriate action. It will also give you the metadata for any file contents so you can pick out which..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


apple has disabled this feature among others in UIWebViews and kept it for Safari only. However you can recreate this yourself by extending this tutorial http www.icab.de blog 2010 07 11 customize the contextual menu of uiwebview . Once you've.. It's only a little change but it fixes the annoying little bug where you get 2 menus appear the standard one and yours . Also you could easily add iPad support by sending the touches location as the notification fires and then showing the..

AVAssetWritter does not work with audio


own PTS. I am not sure if setting the PTS automatically adjusts all the other data buffers. Where my code differs from yours is I use a single dispatch queue for both audio and video. In the callback I use some code removed . switch bufferWriter..

How to authorize user through a DIALOG with the NEW Facebook Connect iOS API?


Database is locked in Sqlite


sqlite share improve this question Search comment ADD THIS LINE TO YOUR CODE in following modified method of yours. void gettingData NSString dbPath NSLog @ Data base path is @ dbPath if sqlite3_open dbPath UTF8String database SQLITE_OK..

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention


depending on what super's implementation does. Though you shouldn't have to know super's implementation to write yours. Of course this goes for all of UIViewControllers delegate methods willAppear didAppear etc... Any thoughts iphone objective..

Detecting Color of iPhone/iPad/iPod touch?
