

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:06

iphone Programming Glossary: yourviewcontroller

Tabbar in Second View


tabBarController's property in appDelegate and assign all ViewController there then call your tabBarController from yourViewController in AppDelegate.h @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet UINavigationController navigationController @property retain nonatomic..

CellForRowAtIndexPath is not invoked


Showing pushviewcontroller animation look like presentModalViewController


animation pushviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontrolle share improve this question Try this UIViewController yourViewController UIViewController alloc init UIView beginAnimations @ Showinfo context nil UIView setAnimationCurve UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut.. UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut UIView setAnimationDuration 0.75 self.navigationController pushViewController yourViewController animated NO UIView setAnimationTransition UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView self.navigationController.view..

How might I check if a particular NSString is present in an NSArray?


how to add uinavigation controller in a view based application


incorporate a navigation controller in your uiviewcontroller you need to initialize it as it follows UIViewController yourViewController ... UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController yourViewController self.. yourViewController ... UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController yourViewController self presentModalViewController navController animated YES you need to release the controller navController release If you.. navController animated... then you need to add the navController.view to the window UIViewController yourViewController ... UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController yourViewController self.window..

Navigating to a new view in iOS
