

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:08

iphone Programming Glossary: yyyy

How to convert time to the timezone of the iPhone device?


example NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease formatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss NSDate sourceDate formatter dateFromString @ 2009 07 04 10 23 23 You have to set the..

NSDateFormatter returning nil in OS 4.0


06 36 00 00 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate dateFormatter dateFromString stringDate NSLog @ @ dateFormatter stringFromDate.. @ en_US_POSIX autorelease rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate nil NSError error nil if rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone getObjectValue..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


the text for the text layer NSDateFormatter df NSDateFormatter alloc init df setDateFormat @ MM dd yyyy hh mm NSString dateString df stringFromDate refreshDate NSString prefix NSLocalizedString @ Updated.. attrStr addAttributes subAttributes range NSMakeRange prefix.length 12 12 is the length of MM dd yyyy Set the attributes string in the text layer _textLayer.string attrStr attrStr release _textLayer.opacity..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate dateFromString NSDate alloc init voila dateFromString dateFormatter dateFromString dateString.. NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSString strDate dateFormatter stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ @ strDate dateFormatter release PK..

How to parse a date string into an NSDate object in iOS?


alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX autorelease self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' ... else if elementName isEqualToString kUpdated self.currentQuestion.updated.. you have only needed on non date time characters so change this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ..... setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ... self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter dateFromString self.currentParsedCharacterData..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US and.. date2 NSDate date3 NSDate date4 fmt NSDateFormatter alloc initWithSafeLocale fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString.. NSLog @ date4 @ date4.description fmt release fmt BNSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString..

NSDate and NSDateFormatter - short format date and time in iphone sdk


time in another. NSDateFormatter format NSDateFormatter alloc init format setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm NSDate now NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat.. now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @ n now @ n dateString @ n parsed @ now dateString..

How to convert time to the timezone of the iPhone device?


to parse the string and convert it to an NSDate obejct. For example NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease formatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss NSDate sourceDate formatter dateFromString @ 2009 07 04 10 23 23 You have to set the formatter's date format according to the format of your mysql..

NSDateFormatter returning nil in OS 4.0


working on on OS 3.x NSString stringDate @ 2010 06 21T20 06 36 00 00 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate dateFormatter dateFromString stringDate NSLog @ @ dateFormatter stringFromDate theDate but now in the newest xcode 3.2.3 under.. setLocale NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX autorelease rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate nil NSError error nil if rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone getObjectValue theDate forString dateString range nil error error..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


refreshDate release refreshDate aDate if refreshDate Create the text for the text layer NSDateFormatter df NSDateFormatter alloc init df setDateFormat @ MM dd yyyy hh mm NSString dateString df stringFromDate refreshDate NSString prefix NSLocalizedString @ Updated nil NSString text NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @ prefix dateString.. alloc initWithString text attributes attributes attrStr addAttributes subAttributes range NSMakeRange prefix.length 12 12 is the length of MM dd yyyy Set the attributes string in the text layer _textLayer.string attrStr attrStr release _textLayer.opacity 1.0 else _textLayer.opacity 0.0 _textLayer.string nil ..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate dateFromString NSDate alloc init voila dateFromString dateFormatter dateFromString dateString dateFormatter release NSDate convert to NSString NSDateFormatter..

How to parse a date string into an NSDate object in iOS?


timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT 0 self.dateFormatter setLocale NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX autorelease self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' ... else if elementName isEqualToString kUpdated self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter dateFromString self.currentParsedCharacterData.. question You don't need near as many single quotes as you have only needed on non date time characters so change this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ... self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter dateFromString.. on non date time characters so change this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ... self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter dateFromString self.currentParsedCharacterData stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


has a feature that bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US and most locales UNTIL ... someone with their phone set to a 24.. NSDateFormatter fmt NSString dateString NSDate date1 NSDate date2 NSDate date3 NSDate date4 fmt NSDateFormatter alloc initWithSafeLocale fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString @ 2001 05 05 12 34 56 NSLog @ date1 @ date1.description.. date4 fmt dateFromString @ 2001 05 05 12 34 56 PM NSLog @ date4 @ date4.description fmt release fmt BNSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString @ 2001 05 05 12 34 56 NSLog @ date1 @ date1.description..

NSDate and NSDateFormatter - short format date and time in iphone sdk


i'd like to get just the date on one variable and just the time in another. NSDateFormatter format NSDateFormatter alloc init format setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm NSDate now NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM.. NSDate now NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @ n now @ n dateString @ n parsed @ now dateString parsed iphone nsstring nsdate nsdateformatter share..

How to convert time to the timezone of the iPhone device?


NSDate obejct. For example NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease formatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss NSDate sourceDate formatter dateFromString @ 2009 07 04 10 23 23 You have to set the formatter's date format..

How get a datetime column in SQLite with Objective C


real columns or in strings text columns . SQLite is also very particular in how dates are represented in strings yyyy MM dd HH mm ss only . These are some methods that I wrote for working with SQLite dates from Objective C. These methods.. dateFromString dateWithTimezone dateWithTimezone release return result NSString sqlLiteDateFormat return @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss NSString sqlLiteDateFormatWithTimeZone static NSString result nil if result result NSString alloc initWithFormat..

NSDateFormatter returning nil in OS 4.0


@ 2010 06 21T20 06 36 00 00 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate dateFormatter dateFromString stringDate NSLog @ @ dateFormatter stringFromDate theDate.. alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX autorelease rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ NSDate theDate nil NSError error nil if rfc3339TimestampFormatterWithTimeZone getObjectValue theDate forString..

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?


refreshDate Create the text for the text layer NSDateFormatter df NSDateFormatter alloc init df setDateFormat @ MM dd yyyy hh mm NSString dateString df stringFromDate refreshDate NSString prefix NSLocalizedString @ Updated nil NSString text NSString.. attributes attributes attrStr addAttributes subAttributes range NSMakeRange prefix.length 12 12 is the length of MM dd yyyy Set the attributes string in the text layer _textLayer.string attrStr attrStr release _textLayer.opacity 1.0 else _textLayer.opacity..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate dateFromString NSDate alloc init voila dateFromString dateFormatter dateFromString dateString dateFormatter release.. convert to NSString NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSString strDate dateFormatter stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ @ strDate dateFormatter release PK share improve this..

How to convert string to date in objective-c?


string to date object NSDateFormatter dateFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormat setDateFormat @ EE d LLLL yyyy HH mm ss Z NSDate date dateFormat dateFromString dateStr dateFormat release For more information on how to customize that..

NSDate is not returning my local Time zone /default time zone of device


by NSDate 2010 12 28 15 56 11 GMT NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter.dateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm NSTimeZone gmt NSTimeZone NSTimeZone gmt NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation @ GMT 05 00 dateFormatter setTimeZone..

How to parse a date string into an NSDate object in iOS?


setLocale NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US_POSIX autorelease self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' ... else if elementName isEqualToString kUpdated self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter.. single quotes as you have only needed on non date time characters so change this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ... self.currentQuestion.updated.. this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy' 'MM' 'dd'T'HH' 'mm' 'ss'Z' To this self.dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZZZ ... self.currentQuestion.updated self.dateFormatter dateFromString self.currentParsedCharacterData stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString..

Convert NSDate to NSString


NSDate to NSString How do I convert NSDate to NSString so that only the year in @ yyyy format is output to the string iphone nsstring nsdate share improve this question How about... NSDateFormatter formatter.. improve this question How about... NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init formatter setDateFormat @ yyyy Optionally for time zone converstions formatter setTimeZone NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName @ ... NSString stringFromDate formatter..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US and most locales UNTIL ..... NSDate date1 NSDate date2 NSDate date3 NSDate date4 fmt NSDateFormatter alloc initWithSafeLocale fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString @ 2001.. 05 05 12 34 56 PM NSLog @ date4 @ date4.description fmt release fmt BNSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss dateString fmt stringFromDate NSDate date NSLog @ dateString @ dateString date1 fmt dateFromString @ 2001..

NSDate and NSDateFormatter - short format date and time in iphone sdk


variable and just the time in another. NSDateFormatter format NSDateFormatter alloc init format setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm NSDate now NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter.. format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @ n now @ n dateString @ n parsed @ now dateString parsed iphone..

Converting string MM/DD/YYYY to NSDate


string MM DD YYYY to NSDate In my app i'm using Facebook Graph API and when I'm fetching user details i get the user's birthday as a string.. using Facebook Graph API and when I'm fetching user details i get the user's birthday as a string with format MM DD YYYY. My question is how can I convert string MM DD YYYY to NSDate I try doing NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter.. details i get the user's birthday as a string with format MM DD YYYY. My question is how can I convert string MM DD YYYY to NSDate I try doing NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init dateFormatter setDateFormat @ MM DD YYYY..

How to handle different date time formats using NSDateFormatter


to handle different date time formats using NSDateFormatter I have a String with a datetime format YYYY MM DD HH MM SS . I use this in my source code NSDateFormatter formatter NSDateFormatter alloc init autorelease formatter..

Right way to convert string into NSDate?(iphone)


way to convert string into NSDate iphone In my app I store the date as a string MM dd YYYY format . In the DB. later when I retrieve the string I have to compare two dates how do I achieve this If I had used the.. . In the DB. later when I retrieve the string I have to compare two dates how do I achieve this If I had used the YYYY MM dd format I could have directly compared it as strings. Now I have to convert back into NSDate object using nsdateformatter..

How do I convert from NSString to NSDate?


DatePicker Stopping CoreData Work


iphone objective c ipad core data uidatepicker share improve this question Remember NSDate saves not only DD MM YYYY but also HH MM SS. At a guess I think when you pick a DD MM YYYY from the picker it saves with a default time of 0 00 00.. this question Remember NSDate saves not only DD MM YYYY but also HH MM SS. At a guess I think when you pick a DD MM YYYY from the picker it saves with a default time of 0 00 00 but in the case above when you set the picker date to now you are.. trying to say when you fetch is with a predicate of dateSaved picker.date it is looking for a date in the format DD MM YYYY 00 00 00 and for arguments sake you may have saved it on DD MM YYYY 09 00 01. You will need to do some formatting of your..

Find exact difference between two dates


as a difference of days. NSDateFormatter date_formater NSDateFormatter alloc init date_formater setDateFormat @ MMM dd YYYY NSString now NSString stringWithFormat @ @ date_formater stringFromDate NSDate date LblTodayDate.text NSString stringWithFormat..

how to properly use insertRowsAtIndexPaths?


id sender if switch1.on NSArray appleComputers NSArray arrayWithObjects @ WWWWW @ XXXX @ YYYY @ ZZZZ nil NSDictionary appleComputersDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject appleComputers forKey @ Computers listOfItems..

NSDateFormatter dateFromString gives the wrong date


trying to convert that to a date like this NSDateFormatter df NSDateFormatter alloc init df setDateFormat @ EE MMMM d YYYY NSDate myDate df dateFromString dateString But the resulting myDate variable holds this 2010 12 31 00 00 00 0000 Does anyone.. Thanks everyone iphone ios nsdateformatter share improve this question You need to use yyyy for the year not YYYY . From the Apple reference A common mistake is to use YYYY. yyyy specifies the calendar year whereas YYYY specifies the.. this question You need to use yyyy for the year not YYYY . From the Apple reference A common mistake is to use YYYY. yyyy specifies the calendar year whereas YYYY specifies the year of Week of Year used in the ISO year week calendar. In..