

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:07

iphone Programming Glossary: yup

Avoid hardcoding iPhone screen size with programmatic view creation


return to call bar. iphone uiview share improve this question Is there a way to look up the size of the screen Yup CGRect screenRect UIScreen mainScreen applicationFrame applicationFrame This property contains the screen bounds minus the..

Recording sound as WAV on iphone


instead of kAudioFileCAFType in AudioFileCreateWithURL iphone audio core audio share improve this question Yup the key is kAudioFileWAVEType AudioFileCreateWithURL audioFileURL kAudioFileWAVEType audioFormat kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile..

Titanium Mobile local notification crashes


'whatever' function e var myNotification Titanium.App.iOS.scheduleLocalNotification alertBody msg_body alertAction Yup userInfo key value date new Date new Date .getTime Well this is not my exact code but this is the spirit. I tried to remove..

Making a phone call in an iOS application


extract the numbers out of it and get rid of all the extra punctuation iphone ios share improve this question Yup. You need to take those out yourself. Or you can use the snippet below... NSString cleanedString phoneNumber componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet..

iOS Facebook connect not working when user has FB's app installed?


via Safari and everything works fine. Thanks so much. iphone ios facebook connect share improve this question Yup we were getting this as well. It occurs when your bundle identifier does not match the one configured as part of your facebook..

How do I detect when the iPhone goes into landscape mode via JavaScript? Is there an event for this?


via JavaScript Is there an event for this javascript iphone safari mobile safari ios share improve this question Yup via the onorientationchange event and the window.orientation property. Documented by Apple Example code on Ajaxian share..