

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:06

iphone Programming Glossary: ypitch

Using quaternion instead of roll, pitch and yaw to track device motion


myRoll radiansToDegrees atan2 2 quat.y quat.w quat.x quat.z 1 2 quat.y quat.y 2 quat.z quat.z myPitch radiansToDegrees atan2 2 quat.x quat.w quat.y quat.z 1 2 quat.x quat.x 2 quat.z quat.z myYaw radiansToDegrees 2 quat.x quat.y.. NO if timerRunning YES if checkingGyroOrientation YES self.takePicButton.hidden YES int xRoll yPitch xYaw yYaw Roll Checking if tempRoll self.deviceStatus doubleForKey @ DeviceRoll 1 tempRoll self.deviceStatus doubleForKey.. self.pitchToDown.hidden NO self.pitchToUp.hidden NO if tempPitch self.deviceStatus doubleForKey @ DevicePitch 0 yPitch 195 tempPitch self.deviceStatus doubleForKey @ DevicePitch NSLog @ tempPitch is 0.02f Difference is 0.02f yPitch is 0.02f..

kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange frame to UIImage conversion


baseAddress NSUInteger yOffset EndianU32_BtoN bufferInfo componentInfoY.offset NSUInteger yPitch EndianU32_BtoN bufferInfo componentInfoY.rowBytes NSUInteger cbCrOffset EndianU32_BtoN bufferInfo componentInfoCbCr.offset.. baseAddress cbCrOffset for int y 0 y height y uint8_t rgbBufferLine rgbBuffer y width 3 uint8_t yBufferLine yBuffer y yPitch uint8_t cbCrBufferLine cbCrBuffer y 1 cbCrPitch for int x 0 x width x uint8_t y yBufferLine x uint8_t cb cbCrBufferLine..