

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:07

iphone Programming Glossary: yveswheeler

Apple Mach-O Linker Error when compiling for device


I can no longer deploy to iPhone I get a Apple Mach O Linker Error it still works for the simulator though. Ld Users yveswheeler Library Developer Xcode DerivedData iParcel fkeqjcjcbbhjwhdssjptkdxzzzxh Build Intermediates iParcel.build Debug iphoneos.. Build Intermediates iParcel.build Debug iphoneos iParcel.build Objects normal armv7 iParcel normal armv7 cd Users yveswheeler iParcel setenv IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 3.2 setenv PATH Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer usr bin Developer.. usr bin g 4.2 arch armv7 isysroot Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer SDKs iPhoneOS4.3.sdk L Users yveswheeler Library Developer Xcode DerivedData iParcel fkeqjcjcbbhjwhdssjptkdxzzzxh Build Products Debug iphoneos F Users yveswheeler..