

python Programming Glossary: effbot.org

Understanding Python's call-by-object style of passing function arguments


style of passing function arguments explained here http effbot.org zone call by object.htm . There don't seem to be enough examples..

Python and reference passing. Limitation?


are pass call by object sharing . See Call By Object on effbot.org for a rather extensive discussion on the defintions of the various..

How does perspective transformation work in PIL?


Can anyone explain it Here's the documentation to it http effbot.org imagingbook image.htm python python imaging library perspective..

Parsing XML with namespace in Python ElementTree


found in prefix map I tried reading the document at http effbot.org zone element namespaces.htm but I am still not able to get this..

Why are python strings and tuples are made immutable?


will change the string œeight to anything else. http effbot.org pyfaq why are python strings immutable.htm share improve this..

Compare two images the python/linux way


How to delete a row from a listbox in TKinter and SQLite3


same name all information about Listbox I found on http effbot.org tkinterbook listbox.htm # usr bin python from Tkinter import..

Installing PIL (Python Imaging Library) in Win7 64 bits, Python 2.6.4


find a Python installation. Then tried registering http effbot.org zone python register.htm Python but the script says it can't..

Drawing Hebrew text to and image using Image module (python)


so the problem doesn't lay there as suggested by effbot.org. it seem that the problem is with the Imagefont.truetype .....

Are Python built-in containers thread-safe?


Tkinter set cursor position?


How to read a raw image using PIL?


this question The specific documentation is at http effbot.org imagingbook concepts.htm Mode The mode of an image defines the..

Python pyc files (main file not compiled?)


Hence it is not byte compiled at all. References http effbot.org zone python compile.htm http www.network theory.co.uk docs pytut..

Python 2.6 GC appears to cleanup objects, but memory is not released


same interpreter. Here's a blog post about the issue http effbot.org pyfaq why doesnt python release the memory when i delete a large..

No module named _imagingft


Download and extract the source version from here http effbot.org downloads Imaging 1.1.6.tar.gz Install freetype2 library you..

Downloading a web page and all of its resource files in Python


Circular dependency in Python


article that explains circular imports in python http effbot.org zone import confusion.htm The easiest way to fix this is to..

how to install PIL on mac os x 10.7.2 Lion


build install it from source # download curl O L http effbot.org media downloads Imaging 1.1.7.tar.gz # extract tar xzf Imaging..

how to convert variable into string in python


that it ™s known by many names or no name at all from http effbot.org pyfaq how can my code discover the name of an object.htm Just..