

python Programming Glossary: em

How to create a generator/iterator with the Python C API?


have this #include Python Python.h #include Python structmember.h Define a new object class Sequence. typedef struct PyObject_HEAD.. size_t max SequenceObject Instance variables static PyMemberDef Sequence_members max T_UINT offsetof SequenceObject max.. Instance variables static PyMemberDef Sequence_members max T_UINT offsetof SequenceObject max 0 NULL NULL Sentinel..

Encoding gives “'ascii' codec can't encode character ??ordinal not in range(128)”


passing utf 8 to markdown in the code snippet below. The em dash is where it chokes. I get the Django error of 'ascii' codec.. xmlcharrefreplace This pushes the problem to my models.py for me where I have def save self force_insert.. in range 128 because now it reads xe2 x80 x94 where the em dash was python django unicode character encoding share improve..

“Unable to find vcvarsall.bat” error when trying to install qrcode-0.2.1


Python 2.7 Packages With Visual Studio 2010 Express em sup The link goes to archive.org since the original page went..

Get all text inside a tag in lxml


c c.tail for c in node.getchildren node.tail # filter removes possible Nones in texts and tails return ''.join filter.. node etree.fromstring content Text outside tag div Text em inside em tag div content stringify_children node Produces '.. content Text outside tag div Text em inside em tag div content stringify_children node Produces ' nText outside..

How to find XML Elements via XPath in Python in a namespace-agnostic way?


to find XML Elements via XPath in Python in a namespace agnostic way since I.. thought that asking would help. Sometimes I have to get Elements from XML documents but the ways to do this are awkward... or a hidden preference in the builtin XML implementations or in lxml to strip namespaces completely. Clarification..

mkdir -p functionality in python


python. I am looking for a solution other than a system call. I am sure the code is less than 20 lines... really I am.. exist_ok that when true enables the mkdir p functionality em unless mode is provided and the existing directory has different..

Python FAQ: ?œHow fast are exceptions???/a>


python. I am looking for a solution other than a system call. I am sure the code is less than 20 lines... really I am.. exist_ok that when true enables the mkdir p functionality em unless mode is provided and the existing directory has different..