

python Programming Glossary: encourages

IRC Python Bot: Best Way [closed]


following Listens to the room and interacts with users and encourages them to PM the bot. Once a user has PMed the bot engage with..

PyObjC development with Xcode 3.2


xcode pyobjc share improve this question Apple now encourages people to get the templates directly from the PyObjC project...

Does python have 'private' variables in classes?


same effect. Python drops that pretense of security and encourages programmers to be responsible. In practice this works very nicely...

Using try vs if in python


share improve this question You often hear that Python encourages EAFP style it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission..

Python Webframework Confusion


Released 2008 09 03 a high level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean pragmatic design Pylons

Does python support multiprocessor/multicore programming?


and tricky and it is generally a good thing that Python encourages you not to consider it as a way to get a performance advantage...

F# vs IronPython: When is one preferred to the other?


The biggest point in favor of F# is simply that it encourages more functional programming styles downplays abstractions through..

Python vs F#: which language I should learn [closed]


system. It is mostly functional which means it strongly encourages you to program declaratively and avoid side effects such as..

Better to 'try' something and catch the exception or test if its possible first to avoid an exception?


need for an extra lookup by if index len mylist . Python encourages the use of exceptions which you handle is a phrase from Dive..