

python Programming Glossary: ensures

New Python Programmer Looking for Help to Avoid Recursion with tkinter


width 600 height 600 textFrame.grid_propagate False # ensures a consistent GUI size textFrame.pack side bottom fill both expand..

how to tell a variable is iterable but not a string


arg types.StringTypes Note the use of StringTypes. It ensures that we don't forget about some obscure type of string. On the..

Programmatically detect system-proxy settings on Windows XP with Python


automatic installer based on Setuptools' easy_install that ensures that all a project's dependancies are automatically installed..

Database Version Control for MySQL


the issue of dependencies due to foreign key constraints ensures we can't just run the .sql files in just any order. The python..

Python subprocess.Popen erroring with OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory after period of time


forking to start the modeler or discovery process it first ensures there's enough space available on the swap store the new process..

Installing a django site on GoDaddy


script and invoke it manually. The mod_rewrite rule just ensures all traffic goes through Django. References Django with FastCGI..

Python: Possible to share in-memory data between 2 separate processes


allocator that uses a given segment of shared memory and ensures compatible addresses between disparate processes there is no..

Randomizing (x,y,z) coordinates within a box


0 counter 0 #The particles will be spread across the below ensures that there is no overlap of particles with open question1.xyz..

How does the function that is called inside the class declaration?


a pre existing __metaclass__ key in the namespace. This ensures that in the future every time you create an instance of the..

Getting Python under control on Mac OS X - setting up environment and libraries


instance's framework bin directory is first in the PATH ensures that. Note if you use MacPorts you can use its python_select..

Reinstalling python on Mac OS 10.6 with a different gcc version


ABI as the Python interpreter itself was. This ensures that there won't be conflicts with the underlying system libraries...

How to safely open/close files in python 2.4


'file.txt' 'r' try # do stuff with f finally f.close This ensures that even if # do stuff with f raises an exception f will still..

Python pyc files (main file not compiled?)


the byte code format usually in major releases. This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM won't cause..

What happens behind the scenes when python adds small ints?


realized that c Python does something quite sensible it ensures that small ints always have the same id . a b c d e 1 2 3 4..

Encrypting a file with RSA in Python


performs a modular exponentiation. The padding I propose ensures that by making the highest order byte that fits 0xff this is..

what exactly the python's file.flush() is doing?


To do that you need to call the os.fsync method which ensures all operating system buffers are synchronized with the storage..

Compare two different files line by line and write the difference in third file - Python


'results.txt' 'w' as out_file # Using with to open files ensures that they are properly closed even if the code # raises an exception...

Shortest Repeating Sub-String


or key len 'd' The or thanks to J. F. Sebastian ensures that no ValueError is triggered if there's no match at all...

Assign function arguments to `self`


assigns values from the dict to names from the list. This ensures that you're still being explicit about which variables are being..

Counting repeated characters in a string in Python


1 for key in count if count key 1 print key count key This ensures that you only go through the string once instead of 26 times...