

python Programming Glossary: eof

pyserial - How to read the last line sent from a serial device


It depends on having a timeout and interprets that as EOF end of file . which seems quite reasonable to me share improve..

Printing mongodb shell output to File


and make it think you are in interactive mode mongo dbname EOF output.json db.collection.find .pretty EOF or 2 use Javascript.. mongo dbname EOF output.json db.collection.find .pretty EOF or 2 use Javascript to translate the result of a find into a..

Showing the stack trace from a running Python application


and letting you manipulate the variables. Use control d EOF to continue running though note that you will probably interrupt..

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


out the SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION directive ed setup.cfg EOF SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION s define #define w q EOF Since the.. EOF SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION s define #define w q EOF Since the version of sqlite3 is so old 3.4.0 you should also..

Python C program subprocess hangs at “for line in iter”


512 # doesn't block may return less if not data # EOF input_fds.remove master else os.write sys.stdout.fileno data..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


N int main void count characters int ch 1 while ch getchar EOF counts ch print result size_t i 0 for i N i if counts i printf..

Most efficient way to search the last x lines of a file in python


# File to check with open fname r as f f.seek 0 2 # Seek @ EOF fsize f.tell # Get Size f.seek max fsize 1024 0 0 # Set pos..

How can I read all availably data from subprocess.Popen.stdout (non blocking)?


or not. read or read n blocks my thread until it reaches EOF which it never will because the interactive program will not..

python, subprocess: reading output from subprocess


call last File . script.py line 4 in module x raw_input EOFError EOF when reading a line Out 8 'cba n' None EDIT 2 I tried.. File . script.py line 4 in module x raw_input EOFError EOF when reading a line Out 8 'cba n' None EDIT 2 I tried flushing..

Line reading chokes on 0x1A


How to write PIL image filter for plain pgm format?


# result numpy.zeros rows cols numpy.int8 pxs # # Read to EOF. # while True line fin.readline .strip if line '' break for..

Getting realtime output from ffmpeg to be used in progress bar (PyQt4, stdout)


started s cmd cpl thread.compile_pattern_list pexpect.EOF frame d ' . ' while True i thread.expect_list cpl timeout None.. while True i thread.expect_list cpl timeout None if i 0 # EOF print the sub process exited break elif i 1 frame_number thread.match.group.. started s cmd cpl thread.compile_pattern_list pexpect.EOF 'waited d ' while True i thread.expect_list cpl timeout None..

How can I print and display subprocess stdout and stderr output without distortion?


problems with this though. Because read reads until an EOF the first line of the while loop will not return until the subprocess..

Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error


raw_input Please type your name and press enter EOFError EOF when reading a line Finished Here is the code of the.. raw_input Please type your name and press enter EOFError EOF when reading a line Finished Here is the code of the program..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


input_c 512 while scanf s s s n input_a input_b input_c EOF line_count Speed cat test_lines . readline_test_cpp2 Saw 10000000..

Vim, Python, and Django autocompletion (pysmell?)


project root it works fine without any other work python EOF import os import sys import vim sys.path.append usr local python.. usr local python lib python2.5 site packages EOF exe source ~ src pysmell pysmell.vim autocmd FileType python..

Python class to merge sorted files, how can this be improved?


_isLastLine self index Check that handles index is at the eof. handle self.handles index if handle.tell os.path.getsize..

Handle generator exceptions in its consumer


parsefunc is something like def parsefunc stream while not eof stream rec read_record stream do some stuff yield rec The problem.. exceptions to the consumer def parsefunc stream while not eof stream try rec read_record yield rec except Exception as e ..

Python 3: EOF when reading a line (Sublime Text 2 is angry)


EOF Thank you in advance. python python 3.x sublimetext2 eof share improve this question EOF is a special out of band..

Randomly selecting lines from files


to select pairs from remaining lines. my @picks n until eof my @lines lines _ for 0 .. 1 n @picks @lines if rand n 1 print..

difficulties with python assignment


r def readFile global empName prevYTD payRate hoursWorked eof empRec jobInfo.readline if empRec eof True else empName empRec.. payRate hoursWorked eof empRec jobInfo.readline if empRec eof True else empName empRec 25 prevYTD float empRec 25 40 payRate.. 40 payRate float empRec 40 55 hoursWorked float empRec 55 eof False def processRecords global recordCount while not eof recordCount..

The difference between exit() and sys.exit() in python?


def __repr__ self return 'Use s or s to exit' self.name eof def __call__ self code None # Shells like IDLE catch the SystemExit..