

python Programming Glossary: error_msg

NTLM authentication in Python


create_auth_req self import pywintypes output_buffer None error_msg None try error_msg output_buffer self.sspi_client.authorize.. import pywintypes output_buffer None error_msg None try error_msg output_buffer self.sspi_client.authorize None except pywintypes.error.. pywintypes output_buffer None input_buffer challenge error_msg None try error_msg output_buffer self.sspi_client.authorize..

Android Python Programming


TemplateDoesNotExist on python app-engine django 1.2 while template rendering relative paths


finally file.close except IOError tried.append filepath error_msg Could not find s in any of the views subdirectories. template_name.. subdirectories. template_name raise TemplateDoesNotExist error_msg load_template_source.is_usable True _loader MvcTemplateLoader..

Tornado(python) login Examples/Tutorials


username self.redirect self.get_argument next u else error_msg u error tornado.escape.url_escape Login incorrect. self.redirect.. Login incorrect. self.redirect u login error_msg def set_current_user self user if user self.set_secure_cookie..