

python Programming Glossary: equivalently

Numpy: Sorting a multidimensional array by a multidimensional array


out what you want. For example the above examples could be equivalently written a 0 1 1 2 array 6 18 a 0 1 1 2 2 array 6 22 The shape..

Python: Elegantly merge dictionaries with sum() of values [duplicate]


type of set to which elements can belong more than once or equivalently a map with semantics Element OccurrenceCount. You could have..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


s . You always want to use repr or r formatting character equivalently inside __repr__ implementation or you ™re defeating the goal..

numpy 3d to 2d transformation based on 2d mask array


and use those indices to pull data out of a bunch of other equivalently shaped arrays. I'm open to alternative ways to accomplish this..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


it. But if you have in your code a blah.format locals or equivalently a blah locals ... you're SOL pal How is poor lint going to know..

Two's Complement in Python


Bits a Bits bin '111111111111' a.int 1 The same object can equivalently be created in several ways including b Bits int 1 length 12..

how to concatenate two dictionaries to create a new one in Python? [duplicate]


d4.update d ' 100000 loops best of 3 2.67 usec per loop or equivalently one copy ctor and two updates python mtimeit s'd1 1 2 3 4 d2..

How do I abort the execution of a Python script? [duplicate]


stuff Essentially I am looking for something that behaves equivalently to the 'return' keyword in the body of a function which allows..

Trying to use a Nested For Loops w/ 2 variables, Keeping 1 the same while running through the first for loop


for j in towers if j i continue # do stuff with i and j Or equivalently for i in towers for j in towers if j i # do stuff with i and..

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?


enum import Enum Animal Enum 'Animal' 'ant bee cat dog' or equivalently class Animals Enum ant 1 bee 2 cat 3 dog 4 In earlier versions..

How can I remove the axes in an Axes3D class?


correctly all you need to do is call ax.axis off or equivalently ax.set_axis_off . Just to make sure we're on the same page your..

Django: How to build a custom form widget?


My questions are If I build a custom widget can it be used equivalently for the admin interface or for normal forms If I want to allow.. module below . If I build a custom widget can it be used equivalently for the admin interface or for normal forms Admin overrides..

Python package structure


a script you pass as a command line argument to python or equivalently invoke directly with a # usr bin python line . This is because..

matplotlib: adding second axes() with transparent background?


ax fig.add_subplot 1 1 1 # If you just call `plt.axes ` or equivalently `fig.add_subplot ` matplotlib # will just return `ax` again...

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python


c for c in all_chars if unicodedata.category c 'Cc' # or equivalently and much more efficiently control_chars ''.join map unichr range..