

python Programming Glossary: estimated

gaussian fit with scipy.optimize.curve_fit in python with wrong results


a reasonable starting vector. To do this I start from the estimated mean and standard deviation of your dataset #estimate mean and..

Python Opencv SolvePnP yields wrong translation vector


parameters translation and rotation . However though the estimated parameters were close to the actual ones there is something.. rotated the camera slightly and rerendered the images the estimated translation became farther off. Estimated 0.15933154 0.13367286..

Python: Random is barely random at all?


By comparison the total number of atoms in the universe is estimated at about 10^80. The 32 bit integer produced by a MT19337 PRNG..

Python frequency detection


PyAudio to play the sound through while writing out the estimated pitch. Source Code # Read in a WAV and find the freq's import..

mongodb: insert if not exists


has previously been saved but is not in my update. 95 estimated of the records are unmodified from day to day. I am using the..

Generate table schema inspecting Excel(CSV) and import data


would be sanitized to column names. Datatype would be estimated based on the contents of the spreadsheet column. When done data.. . You need a strategy to handle cells that don't fit the estimated datatype. You need to validate and clean your data. Make sure..

How to create a simple Gradient Descent algorithm


living area number of bedrooms and h_ theta x the estimated price. I'm using the cost function hserror for one point hserror..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


is described by a 2D homography. And the homography can be estimated using only four points. Then you could improve the robustness.. The value of domain specific knowledge is often underestimated. Look at it this way in the first approach we try to approximate..