

python Programming Glossary: estimation

Is there a recommended package for machine learning in Python? [closed]


choice at the moment. PyML is good too. PyMC for Bayesian estimation. and there is a Book Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective..

python passlib: what is the best value for “rounds”


of a half life. That 31 is the key factor as it encodes an estimation of the cost of attacking a specific algorithm using a specific..

Python Opencv SolvePnP yields wrong translation vector


actual ones there is something fishy going on. My initial estimation of the translation was 0.11205481 0.0490256 8.13892491 . The..

Python frequency detection


many features include several methods for pitch detection estimation including the YIN algorithm and some harmonic comb algorithms... if you want something simpler I wrote some code for pitch estimation some time ago and you can take it or leave it. It won't be as..

Fitting data to distributions?


of generating my input data. Maximum likelihood estimation is the algorithm for finding the values of the parameters which.. any probability density to negative numbers. All of these estimation problems get worse when you try to fit your data to more distributions... models. One trick to get around some problems in parameter estimation is to generate a lot of data and leave some of the data out..

Financial technical analysis in python


confidence interval with leastsq fit in scipy python


def fit d ff fff d p leastsq ff 0 1 0 return p # bootstrap estimation def bootstrap d p0 fit d residuals f p0 d s_residuals std residuals..