

python Programming Glossary: event.y

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


toggle_button.get_allocation cal_x event.x rect.x cal_y event.y rect.y rect.height x y self.apply_screen_coord_correction cal_x..

python drag and drop explorer files to tkinter entry widget


X # Mouse pointer x coord relative to the root win. event.y_root Y event.x x # Mouse pointer x coord relative to the widget... event.x x # Mouse pointer x coord relative to the widget. event.y y event.action_list str event.action_list .split for name in..

How to display picture and get mouse click coordinate on it


event #outputting x and y coords to console print event.x event.y #mouseclick event canvas.bind Button 1 printcoords root.mainloop..

board-drawing code to move an oval


self._drag_data item self.canvas.find_closest event.x event.y 0 self._drag_data x event.x self._drag_data y event.y def OnTokenButtonRelease.. event.y 0 self._drag_data x event.x self._drag_data y event.y def OnTokenButtonRelease self event '''End drag of an object'''.. object has moved delta_x event.x self._drag_data x delta_y event.y self._drag_data y # move the object the appropriate amount self.canvas.move..