

python Programming Glossary: exc_info

Get raw POST body in Python Flask regardless of Content-Type header


self start_response def callback status headers exc_info None # Call upstream start_response start_response status headers.. Call upstream start_response start_response status headers exc_info return callback app.wsgi_app WSGICopyBody app.wsgi_app request.environ..

Downloading text files with Python and ftplib.FTP from z/os


for example import ftplib import os from sys import exc_info sess ftplib.FTP undisclosed.server.com userid password sess.sendcmd..

Get full traceback


skip 0 try 1 0 except ZeroDivisionError f sys.exc_info 2 .tb_frame for i in xrange skip 2 f f.f_back lst while f is.. head FauxTb tb_frame tb_lineno head return head def full_exc_info Like sys.exc_info but includes the full traceback. t v tb sys.exc_info.. tb_lineno head return head def full_exc_info Like sys.exc_info but includes the full traceback. t v tb sys.exc_info full_tb..

How can I capture all exceptions from a wxPython application?


the exception through raise e.g. try app.MainLoop except exc_info sys.exc_info saveExcInfo exc_info # this method you have to.. through raise e.g. try app.MainLoop except exc_info sys.exc_info saveExcInfo exc_info # this method you have to write yourself.. try app.MainLoop except exc_info sys.exc_info saveExcInfo exc_info # this method you have to write yourself raise share improve..

How to add a timeout to a function in Python


True function args kwargs except queue.put False sys.exc_info 1 class _Timeout Wrap a function and add a timeout limit attribute.. queue.put True function args kwargs except queue.put False exc_info # get all the exec info don't do exc_info 1 # then later raise.. queue.put False exc_info # get all the exec info don't do exc_info 1 # then later raise exc_info 0 exc_info 1 exc_info 2 That way..

Python: shutil.rmtree fails on Windows with 'Access is denied'


line 221 in rmtree onerror os.remove fullname sys.exc_info File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 219 in rmtree os.remove fullname.. by @Sridhar Ratnakumar in comments def onerror func path exc_info Error handler for ``shutil.rmtree``. If the error is due to..

How to workaround Python “WindowsError messages are not properly encoded” problem?


How to render my select field with WTForms?


894 in render return self.environment.handle_exception exc_info True File media Lexar montao montaoproject templates insert_jinja.html..