

python Programming Glossary: existent

Python: Change values in dict of nested dicts using items in a list


d OrderedDict set_value d 'a' 1 OrderedDict # non existent key d.items 'a' 1 set_value d 'b' 'a' 2 # non existent intermediate.. non existent key d.items 'a' 1 set_value d 'b' 'a' 2 # non existent intermediate key d.items 'a' 1 'b' 'a' 2 set_value d 'a' 'b'..

Heroku app crashed after pushing small change. Very confused


app PYTHONUNBUFFERED true app .heroku venv was a non existent directory. If I overrode PYTHONHOME with a config var and pointed..

What is the equivalent of CPython string concatenation, in C++? [duplicate]


x 'wowwow' how can i do that in C With add which is non existent corrected to __add__ a standard method this is a deep and interesting..

How to plot an image with non-linear y-axis with Matplotlib using imshow?


data This means there must be gaps in the data for the non existent coordinates unless there is a way to provide a transform function..

Python, UnicodeDecodeError


instead of a bare except. 9 If the caller provides a non existent folder no exception is raised it just does nothing. If the provided..

Python Compilation/Interpretation Process


that my knowledge of compilers interpreters is almost none existent Or if that's not possible maybe give me some resources that..

python enumeration class for ORM purposes


by the user. Specifically if instance is called with a non existent value the corresponding object is created and then returned..

Python: single instance of program


less reliant than just having a port occupied with a non existent server so I'd have to go with that one. python singleton locking..

How do I handle file upload via PUT request in Django?


say image jpeg charset binary or if I'm going to allow non existent charsets. In any case I'm putting setting Content Type validly..

Get HTML Source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver (Python)


The selenium webdriver docs for Python are basically non existent and I don't see anything in the code that seems to enable that..

hasattr() vs try-except block to deal with non-existent attributes


vs try except block to deal with non existent attributes if hasattr obj 'attribute' # do somthing vs try..

Check whether a path is valid in Python without creating a file at the path's target


from here Is not acceptable because it will overwrite the existent file which I do not want to touch if it's there or create said..