

python Programming Glossary: excluding

how to extract domain name from URL


from URL how would you extract the domain name from a URL excluding any subdomains My initial simplistic attempt was '.'.join urlparse.urlparse..

percent encoding URL with python


safe at all. Overriding the default of ' ' and instead excluding the colon with ' ' is what finally yields the desired result...

Finding the kth-smallest element in union of sorted arrays


that neither of Bj 1 Ai Bj resp. Ai 1 Bj Ai holds. So by excluding these configurations Ai Bj Ai Bj 1 and Bj Ai Bj Ai 1 follow..

show *only* docstring in Sphinx documentation


name arguments . How do I embed only the docstring excluding the method signature ref http sphinx.pocoo.org ext autodoc.html..

Packaging with pyinstaller: PyQt4 module not found


module and consequently including PyQt . I would suggest excluding the PyQt module from the build in your .spec file search out..

Best way to decode unknown unicoding encoding in Python 2.5


xDF x80 xBF # non overlong 2 byte xE0 xA0 xBF x80 xBF # excluding overlongs xE1 xEC xEE xEF x80 xBF 2 # straight 3 byte xED x80.. xEE xEF x80 xBF 2 # straight 3 byte xED x80 x9F x80 xBF # excluding surrogates xF0 x90 xBF x80 xBF 2 # planes 1 3 xF1 xF3 x80 xBF..

Finding the row with the highest average in a numpy array


I would like to identify the row with the highest average excluding the diagonal zeros. So in this case I would be able to identify..

Advanced PDF Parsing Using Python (extracting text without tables, etc): What's the Best Library?


advanced. I'd like to extract the text from a PDF document excluding any tables and special formatting. Is there a library out there..

Using while loops to count elements in a list


My code should print the number of cities before Sochi excluding Sochi . I don't understand what this line place places count..

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text


to do what I need... So how should I find all visible text excluding scripts comments css junk...etc.. python text beautifulsoup..

A more pythonic way of iterating a list while excluding an element each iteration


more pythonic way of iterating a list while excluding an element each iteration I have the following code items one..

How to read a CSV line with "?


field state where every character including comma newline excluding quote is treated as part of field a quote not followed by a..

Find all Chinese text in a string using Python and Regex


comprehensive answer for narrow Unicode builds of python excluding ordinals 65535 which can only be represented in narrow Unicode..

Randomly selecting lines from files


can i select random files and random entry pair of line excluding header python perl shell share improve this question If..

Shortest way to slice even/odd lines from a python array?


. If you want to get every n th element of a list i.e. excluding the first element you would have to slice like l n 1 n . Example..

Get the list of a class's variables & methods in Python


way of getting the exact list of variables and methods excluding those from the superclass class Foo Bar var1 3.14159265 var2..

python method to extract content (excluding navigation) from an HTML page


method to extract content excluding navigation from an HTML page Of course an HTML page can be.. any public parsing scripts to extract meaningful content excluding sidebars navigation etc. from a given HTML doc. I'm guessing..

How the method resolution and invocation works internally in Python?


effectively doing what the getattr function would do. excluding any bugs that have slipped in NotFound object # A singleton..