

python Programming Glossary: excessive

Generic Exception Handling in Python the “Right Way”


simply need to be ignored. This feels redundant and the excessive syntax causes it to be surprisingly difficult to follow when..

python tilde unary operator as negation numpy bool array


of boolean operators but was rejected because of excessive overhead it would e.g. complicate if statements . PEP 225 suggests..

for line in open(filename)


programs which otherwise may be at more risk of having excessive numbers of uselessly open files lying about. Note that try finally..

how to print number with commas as thousands separators in Python 2.x


What are the biggest differences between Python and Ruby from a philosophical perspective [closed]


it feature its syntax. Whilst some might argue that the excessive parentheses are annoying they can be very powerful once you..

Is it possible to renice a subprocess?


way to do this but it seems to be not very handy and too excessive os.system renice n d d new_nice suprocess.pid And it isn't return..

Memory Efficient Alternatives to Python Dictionaries


overhead for pointers and whatnot but the difference seems excessive. Once again thank you all for the responses so far. python..

What are the comprehensive lint checkers for Python? [closed]


obsolete imports pylint parses very comprehensive on the excessive compulsive side . pep8 parses a style checker. All have helped..

Using print statements only to debug


logging module has everything you could want. It may seem excessive at first but only use the parts you need. I'd recommend using..