

python Programming Glossary: excluded

Why are slice and range upper-bound exclusive?


slice start stop step In all these the stop integer is excluded. I am wondering why the language is designed this way. Is it..

strange while statement behaviour?


may be causing the strange behaviour Full code has been excluded for it will run through this entire page. python python 3.x..

Shortest Sudoku Solver in Python - How does it work?


if a j m okay False break if okay # At this point m is not excluded by any row column or block so let's place it and recurse r a.. 27 and i 9 3 j 9 3 def r a i a.find '0' if i 1 sys.exit a excluded_numbers set for j in range 81 if same_row i j or same_col i.. range 81 if same_row i j or same_col i j or same_block i j excluded_numbers.add a j for m in '123456789' if m not in excluded_numbers..

Good language to develop a game server in?


and I really don't think I was. The only language I really excluded was C Python I don't like because of the scalability problem...

PyQt/PySide - icon display problem


directory. I still wanted to bundle everything else so I excluded the qt dlls and added them manually. My setup.py looks something..

Start background process/daemon from CGI script


on windows . PPS. make sure the process running CGI is not excluded in etc at.deny from scheduling batch jobs share improve this..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


There are two solid work arounds to get nextafter or other excluded POSIX math functions in Python Use Numpy import numpy numpy.nextafter..

Using Numpy stride_tricks to get non-overlapping array blocks


with the extra cells on the right and bottom edge being excluded. So far my code is import sys import numpy as np a np.array..

Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate]


number of copies is I times the sum of x for x from 1 to L excluded i.e. I L 2 2 . The list comprehension just generates one list..