

python Programming Glossary: execv

TypeError: execv() arg 2 must contain only strings


execv arg 2 must contain only strings I am getting the following.. 1249 in _execute_child raise child_exception TypeError execv arg 2 must contain only strings python share improve this..

python subprocess and unicode execv() arg 2 must contain only strings


subprocess and unicode execv arg 2 must contain only strings I have a django site where.. to issue arguments that are utf 8 encoded I get an error execv arg 2 must contain only strings. The string u'Wiadomo u015b..

How to inherit stdin and stdout in python by using os.execv()


to inherit stdin and stdout in python by using os.execv First I wrote a c code as follows #include cstdio int main.. open . data.out w pid os.fork if pid 0 cmd . a . a os.execv cmd 0 cmd However the data.out file contains nothing. That is.. data.out w stdout int pid fork if pid 0 char cmd . a . a execv cmd 0 cmd return 0 I got the right answer in the data.out that..