

python Programming Glossary: exception

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


xrange myIndexList xrange 3 Be careful catching multiple exception types try raise KeyError hmm bug except KeyError TypeError print.. bug though it is not a bug it looks like we are catching exceptions of both types but instead we are catching KeyError only as..

subprocess with timeout


an arbitrary command returning its stdout data or raise an exception on non zero exit codes proc subprocess.Popen cmd stderr subprocess.STDOUT..

Build a Basic Python Iterator


called at each loop increment. next raises a StopIteration exception when there are no more value to return which is implicitly captured..

Is False == 0 and True == 1 in Python an implementation detail or is it guaranteed by the language?


the values 0 and 1 respectively in almost all contexts the exception being that when converted to a string the strings False or True..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


a python thread def _async_raise tid exctype '''Raises an exception in the threads with id tid''' if not inspect.isclass exctype.. threading.Thread '''A thread class that supports raising exception in the thread from another thread. ''' def _get_my_tid self.. the thread's id def raiseExc self exctype Raises the given exception type in the context of this thread. If the thread is busy in..

How do I check if a string is a number in Python?


doesn't introduce much overhead because the most common exception is caught without an extensive search of stack frames. The issue.. if the number is valid A status code e.g. via errno or exception to show that no valid number could be parsed. C as an example..

Python: Is there a way to determine the encoding of text file?


the beginning and gives the new encoding a try. The only exception is if you explicitly specified an encoding and that encoding..

Python __init__ and self what do they do?


will also get passed as arguments in this case causing an exception to be raised since the constructor isn't expecting them. share..

Creating a singleton in python


are generally instantiated. This is a good point with two exceptions . The first and one that gets mentioned in various places is.. This is equally true for a constant singleton. The second exception which get mentioned less is the opposite when the singleton..

How do I check if a variable exists in Python?


NameError # Do something. Are there other ways without exceptions python exception variables share improve this question .. something. Are there other ways without exceptions python exception variables share improve this question To check the existence..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


says that Python is strongly typed because you get an exception if you try to Python 1 1 Traceback most recent call last File.. . If the developer is wrong then the runtime will throw an exception in order to protect type safety. If the developer wishes to..

How to debug in Django, the good way?


variable to inspect print variable to inspect raise Exception variable to inspect But the Python Debugger pdb is highly recommended..

Proper way to declare custom exceptions in modern Python?


and Python 3. way of doing things. And by custom I mean an Exception object that can include extra data about the cause of the error.. deprecation warning in Python 2.6.2 class MyError Exception ... def __init__ self message ... self.message message ... MyError.. ... MyError foo _sandbox.py 3 DeprecationWarning BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 It seems crazy..

`xrange(2**100)` -> OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int


testsize 10 def normexcept f args try r f args except Exception e r type e return r for i in range testsize testsize 1 for j..

Using try vs if in python


it's nearly free to set up a try except block. But when an Exception actually occurs the cost is much higher. Moral It's perfectly.. try except for flow control but it makes sense most when Exception s are actually exceptional. From the Python docs EAFP Easier..

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python


TheThread param1 param2 etc. threadClass.start ##### Exception takes place here except print Caught an exception In the thread.. self self.bucket bucket def run self try raise Exception 'An error occured here.' except Exception self.bucket.put sys.exc_info.. self try raise Exception 'An error occured here.' except Exception self.bucket.put sys.exc_info def main bucket Queue.Queue thread_obj..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


following code allows with some restrictions to raise an Exception in a python thread def _async_raise tid exctype '''Raises an.. that it works is t ThreadWithExc ... ... t.raiseExc SomeException while t.isAlive time.sleep 0.1 t.raiseExc SomeException If.. while t.isAlive time.sleep 0.1 t.raiseExc SomeException If the exception is to be caught by the thread you need a way..

How to limit execution time of a function call in Python


this. import signal def signal_handler signum frame raise Exception Timed out signal.signal signal.SIGALRM signal_handler signal.alarm..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


collections import signal import subprocess class Alarm Exception pass def alarm_handler signum frame raise Alarm def main # start..

Is there a way to Convert Number words to Integers? Python


0 for word in textnum.split if word not in numwords raise Exception Illegal word word scale increment numwords word current current..

How do I get 'real-time' information back from a subprocess.Popen in python (2.5)


self.kwargs except wx.PyDeadObjectError pass except Exception e print e if __name__ __main__ import os from subprocess import..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


if self._hConsole is None try self._stream.flush except Exception as e _complain s.flush r from r self.name e self._stream raise.. if not remaining break text text n.value except Exception as e _complain s.write r self.name e raise def writelines.. lines try for line in lines self.write line except Exception as e _complain s.writelines r self.name e raise if real_stdout..