

python Programming Glossary: excludes

How can I login to django using tastypie


class Meta resource_name 'login' queryset User.objects.all excludes 'id' 'email' 'password' 'is_staff' 'is_superuser' list_allowed_methods..

Packaging with pyinstaller: PyQt4 module not found


line for the Analysis class something like Analysis ... excludes 'PyQt4' 'PyQt4.QtCore' 'PyQt4.QtGui' and edit the excludes keyword..

Test if a variable is a list or tuple


use isinstance if you need it. It is somewhat evil as it excludes custom sequences iterators and other things that you might actually..

How can i bundle other files when using cx_freeze?


unRAR.exe' 'helpers uncompress unzip.exe' includes excludes 'Tkinter' packages 'do' 'khh' setup name 'myapp' version '0.1'.. 'lenin' author_email 'le...@null.com' options 'build_exe' 'excludes' excludes 'packages' packages 'include_files' includefiles executables.. 'le...@null.com' options 'build_exe' 'excludes' excludes 'packages' packages 'include_files' includefiles executables..

remove from a list of tuples according to the second part of the tuple in python


first method rebinds contacts to a newly created list that excludes the desired entry. The second method updates the original list..

In a django form, How to make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?


desire you should instead create a separate ModelForm that excludes the uneditable field s and just print them inside your template...

What is the best way to do automatic attribute assignment in Python, and is it a good idea?


same functionality as autoassign e.g. can do includes and excludes and which addresses the above points import inspect import functools..

Suggestions for a Cron like scheduler in Python?


months are zero indexed unlike cron and that range excludes the last element hence syntax like 1 5 becomes range 0 5 ie..

Filtering os.walk() dirs and files


by now import fnmatch import os includes ' .doc' ' .odt' excludes ' home paulo freitas Documents' def _filter paths matches for.. path include append True break for exclude in excludes if os.path.isdir path and path exclude append False break.. import re includes ' .doc' ' .odt' # for files only excludes ' home paulo freitas Documents' # for dirs and files # transform..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


return user Notice the fields username tuple which excludes all other fields on the User model. You need something like..