

python Programming Glossary: evt

Why XGrabKey generates extra focus-out and focus-in events?


'Shift_L' X.NONE grab_key 'Shift_R' X.NONE while 1 evt root.display.next_event if evt.type in X.KeyPress X.KeyRelease.. 'Shift_R' X.NONE while 1 evt root.display.next_event if evt.type in X.KeyPress X.KeyRelease #ignore X.MappingNotify 34 handle_event.. X.KeyRelease #ignore X.MappingNotify 34 handle_event evt if __name__ '__main__' main When i press shift key the focus..

HOW TO: Draggable legend in matplotlib


legend.set_picker self.my_legend_picker def on_motion self evt if self.gotLegend dx evt.x self.mouse_x dy evt.y self.mouse_y.. def on_motion self evt if self.gotLegend dx evt.x self.mouse_x dy evt.y self.mouse_y loc_in_canvas self.legend_x.. self evt if self.gotLegend dx evt.x self.mouse_x dy evt.y self.mouse_y loc_in_canvas self.legend_x dx self.legend_y..

How can I “watch” a file for modification / change?


import pyinotify class ModHandler pyinotify.ProcessEvent # evt has useful properties including pathname def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE.. including pathname def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE self evt webbrowser.open URL handler ModHandler wm pyinotify.WatchManager..

How can I speed up an animation?


111 self.axes.imshow self.datagen.next .T def onTimer self evt self.data self.datagen.next self.axes.imshow self.datagen.next..

matplotlib show() doesn't work twice


1sec self.timerLvsT self.startTimer 3 def timerEvent self evt current_size self.LvsT.bbox.width self.LvsT.bbox.height if self.old_size..

How can I send data to Chrome extension?


socket var handler new Object handler.onmessage function evt evt.data will be what the server sends in channel.send_message.. var handler new Object handler.onmessage function evt evt.data will be what the server sends in channel.send_message console.log.. what the server sends in channel.send_message console.log evt.data received from authhandler evt.data var xhr new XMLHttpRequest..

Show another window wxpython?


ChildFrame self self.child.Show def onbutton self evt text self.txt.GetValue self.child.txt.write 'Parent says s'.. wx.EVT_BUTTON self.onbutton self.but def onbutton self evt text self.txt.GetValue self.parent.txt.write 'Child says s'..