

python Programming Glossary: example.py

Tool to enforce python code style/standards


the above script PyFlakes gives the following messages example.py 2 'somefakelib' imported but unused example.py 6 undefined name.. messages example.py 2 'somefakelib' imported but unused example.py 6 undefined name 'blh' The final option I use is pep8.py which.. on.. Running on the code above it produces the following example.py 4 1 E302 expected 2 blank lines found 1 example.py 6 23 E201..

Detecting Mouse clicks in windows using python


pythoncom.PumpMessages hm.UnhookMouse You can check the example.py script that is installed with the module for more info about..

What is the best Python library module skeleton code?


being adopted. This expands to for example __vcs_id__ ' Id example.py v 2001 07 21 22 14 04 goodger Exp ' VCS DATE Likewise..

Return a list of imported Python modules used in a script?


miss. Worked up a command example to demonstrate sfood . example.py sfood cluster example.deps That will generate a basic dependency.. each unique module. For even more detail use sfood r i . example.py sfood cluster example.deps To walk a tree and find all imports..

yet another confusion with multiprocessing error, 'module' object has no attribute 'f'


1 def f x return x x p.map f 1 2 3 Command line python example.py Process PoolWorker 1 Traceback most recent call last File usr..

Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView?


files you want to show as arguments for example python example.py usr share icons hicolor 16x16 apps . import sys import gtk store..

Unresolved Import Issues with PyDev and Eclipse


Desktop Python_Tutorials diveintopython py Here is my example.py file that I'm working on in my PyDev Eclipse project import.. directory say Desktop MyStuff Project in which I have example.py ... and then from example.py I want to import odbchelper.py.. Project in which I have example.py ... and then from example.py I want to import odbchelper.py from Desktop Python_Tutorials..

How I can I lazily read multiple JSON objects from a file/stream in Python?


I would really prefer not to need to do this. Example Use example.py import my_json as json import sys for o in json.iterload sys.stdin.. o in.txt foo bar baz 1 2 4 5 6 example session python3.2 example.py in.txt Working on a dict Working on a int Working on a int Working..

Why a script that uses threads prints extra lines occasionally?


Example # Run until empty line is found while python example.py 2 1 tee out grep '^ ' do echo n . done cat out Output ......................