

python Programming Glossary: example.com

Having Django serve downloadable files


instance I'd like the URL to be something like this http example.com download f somefile.txt And on the server I know that all downloadable..

How do I stop getting ImportError: Could not import settings 'mofin.settings' when using django with wsgi?


in other cases . # Examples http media.lawrence.com http example.com media MEDIA_URL 'http mofin.mywebsite.co.uk media ' # URL prefix..

urllib2 file name


using urllib2 like so remotefile urllib2.urlopen 'http example.com somefile.zip' Is there an easy way to get the file name other.. the file name out yourself anyway urlparse.urlsplit 'http example.com somefile.zip' 'http' 'example.com' ' somefile.zip' '' '' urlparse.urlsplit.. urlparse.urlsplit 'http example.com somefile.zip' 'http' 'example.com' ' somefile.zip' '' '' urlparse.urlsplit 'http example.com somedir..

Scrapping ajax pages using python


what to do. I want to do the following I only have one url example.com you go from page to page by clicking submit the url doesn't..

How to percent-encode url parameters in python?


percent encode url parameters in python If I do url http example.com p urllib.quote query It doens't encode to 2F breaks OAuth normalization..

Convert a curl POST request to Python only using standard libary


... Accept text plain conn httplib.HTTPConnection example.com 80 conn.request POST some path to site params headers response..

Google apps login in django


a little bit to give Google Apps users openid in http example.com openid id 108441225163454056756 kind of format without asking..

Download image file from the HTML page source using python?


file test by default Usage python dumpimages.py http example.com output from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs import.. outpath def _usage print usage python dumpimages.py http example.com outpath if __name__ __main__ url sys.argv 1 out_folder test..

Handling urllib2's timeout? - Python


you would catch urllib2.URLError try urllib2.urlopen http example.com timeout 1 except urllib2.URLError e raise MyException There.. class MyException Exception pass try urllib2.urlopen http example.com timeout 1 except urllib2.URLError e # For Python 2.6 if isinstance..

python: urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request


'Cookie' 'cookiename cookievalue' f opener.open http example.com See urllib2 examples for other ways how to add HTTP headers..

Does python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage


import StringIO import gzip request urllib2.Request 'http example.com ' request.add_header 'Accept encoding' 'gzip' response urllib2.urlopen..

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?


Firefox 3.6.8 GTB7.1 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 ' Url http example.com Data Justatest whatever letstry doit Request urllib2.Request..

How to download a file using python in a 'smarter' way?


Disposition grabbing. remotefile urllib2.urlopen 'http example.com somefile.zip' remotefile.info 'Content Disposition' share..

Python - Twisted, Proxy and modifying content
