

python Programming Glossary: example

What is a metaclass in Python?


So what are metaclasses What do you use them for Concrete examples including snippets much appreciated python oop metaclass python.. classes matching the current context. Imagine a stupid example where you decide that all classes in your module should have.. but it's helpful . So we will start with a simple example by using a function. # the metaclass will automatically get..

Flatten (an irregular) list of lists in Python


this question Using generator functions can make your example a little easier to read and probably boost the performance...

The Python yield keyword explained


the use of the yield keyword in Python What does it do For example I'm trying to understand this code def node._get_child_candidates.. for i in mygenerator ... print i 0 1 4 Here it's a useless example but it's handy when you know your function will return a huge.. creating another list Then just import itertools . An example Let's see the possible orders of arrival for a 4 horse race..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


regular interval to see if it is time for him to exit. For example import threading import ctypes class StoppableThread threading.Thread.. cases however when you really need to kill a thread for example when you are wrapping an external library that is busy for long..

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?


if the reverse mapping doesn't exist. With the first example Numbers.reverse_mapping 'three' 'THREE' share improve this..

Ternary conditional operator in Python


evaluates to True a is returned else b is returned. For example 'true' if True else 'false' 'true' 'true' if False else 'false'..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


` do What does the if __name__ __main__ do # Threading example import time thread def myfunction string sleeptime lock args.. Thread # 2 2 lock Also what does args mean in this example python idioms python import share improve this question .. the code it will define a few special variables. For example if the python interpreter is running that module the source..

How to improve performance of this code?


not sure because this is my first program in python . The example run in the bottom of the code takes a long time to be solved.. trick and it performed in 0.2 sec for your first example and 2.1 sec for your second but I haven't tried verifying the..

What is the most “pythonic” way to iterate over a list in chunks?


it this way for i in xrange 0 len ints 4 # dummy op for example code foo ints i ints i 1 ints i 2 ints i 3 It looks a lot like.. args fillvalue fillvalue Example In pesudocode to keep the example terse. grouper 'ABCDEFG' 3 'x' 'ABC' 'DEF' 'Gxx' Note izip_longest..

Python's slice notation


programmer if there are fewer items than you ask for. For example if you ask for a 2 and a only contains one element you get an..

What is a “callable” in Python?


Called when the instance is ''called'' as a function Example class Foo def __call__ self print 'called' foo_instance Foo..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


to access or modify a variable that is considered private. Example class MyClass ... def __init__ self ... self.__superprivate..

Text difference algorithm


class which can be used to give you a similarity ratio. Example function def text_compare text1 text2 isjunk None return difflib.SequenceMatcher..

Merge two lists in Python?


two lists in Python How do I merge two lists in Python Example listone 1 2 3 listtwo 4 5 6 Outcome we expect mergedlist 1 2..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


is off the latter will tell only how many pixels differ. Example I assume your images are well aligned the same size and shape..

Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik?


BeanShell . For having idea and usage of ASE refer this Example link . Scala is also supported. For having examples of Scala.. also supported. For having examples of Scala refer these Example link 1 Example link 2 Example link 3 . Just now i have referred.. For having examples of Scala refer these Example link 1 Example link 2 Example link 3 . Just now i have referred one Article..

Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set


How to clone a list in python?


and most memory needing method but sometimes unavoidable. Example import copy class Foo object def __init__ self val self.val..

Getting key with maximum value in dictionary?


I have a dictionary keys are strings values are integers. Example stats 'a' 1000 'b' 3000 'c' 100 I'd like to get 'b' as an answer..

Python: Once and for all. What does the Star operator mean in Python? [duplicate]


that aren't specifically named in the declaration. Example def sum values s 0 for v in values s s v return s s sum 1 2..

How to stream an HttpResponse with Django


of whitespace down the pipe to force its buffers to fill. Example follows from django.views.decorators.http import condition @condition..

What is the most “pythonic” way to iterate over a list in chunks?


iterable n return izip_longest args fillvalue fillvalue Example In pesudocode to keep the example terse. grouper 'ABCDEFG' 3..

How to install pip on windows?


Python applications and other free software respect these. Example syntax http proxy_url port http username password@proxy_url..

Rolling or sliding window iterator in Python


__main__ for w in rolling_window xrange 6 3 print w Example output 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 python share improve this..

Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing


shared_arr.get_obj # no data copying arr i arr i Example import ctypes import logging import multiprocessing as mp from..

Converting datetime.date to UTC timestamp in Python


24 3600 10 6 10 6 computed with true division enabled. Example from datetime import datetime timedelta def totimestamp dt epoch..

Python Lambda - why?


you can pass functions to other functions to do stuff. Example mult3 filter lambda x x 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sets mult3 to..

How to learn Python: Good Example Code? [closed]


to learn Python Good Example Code closed I have been dabbling in Python for a couple months..