

python Programming Glossary: example..

drop trailing zeros from decimal


zero though not always that I want to get rid of. For example... from decimal import Decimal # outputs 25.0 PROBLEM I would..

Django/Python: How to read a file and validate that it is an audio file? [duplicate]


and malicious script in the place of audio data. For example... is the mp3 file an mp3 file Or does it contain something uncharacteristic..

Simple example of how to use ast.NodeVisitor?


class so that all children will also be visited . So for example... x v t ast.parse 'd x v y x ' x.visit t emits Module AugAssign..

What determines whether different Python processes are assigned to the same or different cores?


same core and no performance gain. Here's a very trivial example... from joblib import Parallel delayed import numpy as np def..

should function be defined before it is used in python?


inst Something class Dog def __init__ self pass One final example... This code would complain about the same NameError. class Something..

How could I check if a number is a perfect square? [duplicate]


computation to proceed to completion . Edit let's see an example... x 12345678987654321234567 2 for i in range x x 2 print i is_square..

Python packages and egg-info directories


Assuming that I'm on the right track and for the sake of example... If I wanted to make an existing package of mine visible to..

Python's urllib2 doesn't work on some sites


read from some sites using Python's urllib2 or urllib . An example... urllib2.urlopen http www.dafont.com .read # Returns '' These..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


limited to be an expression so it's got limitations. For example... import functools f functools.partial int base 2 f.args f.func..

How to send Email Attachments with python


msg.as_string smtp.close It's much the same as the first example... But it should be easier to drop in. share improve this answer..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


grid . You don't have irregular data anywhere in your example... Also the code doesn't run as is and you should look into meshgrid.. uses by default as well but it's fine for a simple example... At any rate one way to do this is to rescale the x and y coordinates.. spaghetti string code... I'm just intending this to be an example... # Continued from examples above... # Normalize coordinate system..

Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range?


600 on the x and 10k and 20k on the y. Let me go with an example... import pylab as p p.title save_file p.axis 0.0 600.0 1000000.0..

How do you execute multiple commands in a single session in Paramiko? (Python)


python paramiko share improve this question This is an example... it sends cd tmp ls and then exit import sys sys.stderr open..

What is the actual impact of calling socket.recv with a bufsize that is not a power of 2?


code to make it a python specific recommendation For example... if you have a protocol where the incoming packet length is..

Python strange behavior in for loop or lists


advance. Edit I don't want to empty a list this is just an example... python list foreach share improve this question This is..

How can I create a standard colorbar for a series of plots in python


Not to steal @ianilis's answer but I wanted to add an example... There are multiple ways but the simplest is just to specify..

Spline representation with scipy.interpolate: Poor interpolation for low-amplitude, rapidly oscillating functions


in this case though I still have no idea what x is in your example... I just realized that you're evaluating your points at the original..