

python Programming Glossary: etree.fromstring

Matching patterns in Python


try to remove non xml compatible characters. field root etree.fromstring root s root invalid_xml parser etree.XMLParser recover True..

Creating xml file using ElementTree or lxml


combo ' parser etree.XMLParser remove_blank_text True root etree.fromstring xml_string parser with open 'data.xml' 'w' as f f.write etree.tostring..

Parsing xml to pandas data frame throws memory error


2013 05 01T23 59 sort channel' #edited for privacy root etree.fromstring r.text xml_new etree.tostring root pretty_print True print xml_new..

SyntaxError of Non-ASCII character


05 08 2013 12 24 28 div ' mail.replace ' xa0' ' ' xml etree.fromstring mail but it shows me error on the line 'content ...' like syntaxError..

Validating and filling default values in XML based on XSD in Python


etree.XMLParser schema schema attribute_defaults True root etree.fromstring xmls parser result etree.tostring root pretty_print True method..

Python library to extract 'epub' information


metafile txt zip.read 'META INF container.xml' tree etree.fromstring txt cfname tree.xpath 'n rootfiles n rootfile @full path' namespaces.. block from the contents metafile cf zip.read cfname tree etree.fromstring cf p tree.xpath ' pkg package pkg metadata' namespaces ns 0..

Python pretty XML printer for XML string


parent child text child child other text child parent root etree.fromstring xml_str print etree.tostring root pretty_print True Outputs..

Get all text inside a tag in lxml


filter None parts Example from lxml import etree node etree.fromstring content Text outside tag div Text em inside em tag div content..

Best way to parse xml in Appengine with Python


... ISBNdb from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree tree etree.fromstring xml for book in tree.iterfind 'BookList BookData' ... print..

In lxml, how do I remove a tag but retain all contents?


tags via regex and replace the original fragment with the etree.fromstring result of this not the real code but should go something like.. go something like this from lxml import etree fragment etree.fromstring fragment text1 a inner1 a text2 b inner2 b c t c ext3 fragment.. fstring.replace c fstring fstring.replace c fragment etree.fromstring fstring I know that I can probably use xslt to achieve this..

Efficient way to iterate throught xml elements


So i use xpath to handle that from lxml import etree doc etree.fromstring xml atags doc.xpath ' a' for a in atags btags a.xpath 'b' for.. fast. You can reduce the number of XPath calls to one doc etree.fromstring xml btags doc.xpath ' a b' for b in btags print b.text If that.. of not requiring that the entire XML be processed with etree.fromstring first and parent nodes are thrown away after the children have..

stripping inline tags with python's lxml


and y ignore me y and here's some y more y text x ''' tree etree.fromstring text print etree.tostring tree pretty_print True # Remove the..

How to create <!DOCTYPE> with Python's cElementTree


s xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 tmx version 1.4a tree etree.fromstring s header etree.SubElement tree 'header' 'adminlang' 'EN' body..

How can I get Selenium Web Driver to wait for an element to be accessible, not just present?


disabled input type button id createFolderCreateBtn tree etree.fromstring html parser etree.HTMLParser tree.xpath ' input @id createFolderCreateBtn..