

python Programming Glossary: escaped_str

How do I un-escape a backslash-escaped string in python?


in Python to unescape the string I could for example do escaped_str ' Hello nworld ' raw_str eval escaped_str print raw_str Hello.. for example do escaped_str ' Hello nworld ' raw_str eval escaped_str print raw_str Hello world However that involves passing a possibly..

How to convert escaped characters in Python?


normal form the same way Python's lexical parser does escaped_str 'One 'example '' print escaped_str One 'Example ' normal_str.. lexical parser does escaped_str 'One 'example '' print escaped_str One 'Example ' normal_str normalize_str escaped_str print normal_str.. print escaped_str One 'Example ' normal_str normalize_str escaped_str print normal_str One 'Example' Of course the boring way will..