

python Programming Glossary: et

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


that takes a string a breaks it up into lines and returns a surface with each line rendered below the previous one... into Line1 Line2 Anyway my problem is that I cannot return a properly transparent surface to the calling function. I've.. message True 0 0 0 surfaces.append surf height surf.get_height 5 if surf.get_width max_width max_width surf.get_width..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


and I want to align them to the left i.e. to have a space between the shorter ones and the y axis . Is there any reasonable.. matplotlib.pyplot as plt ticks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicin g elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.. as plt ticks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicin g elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labo..

Holiday Calendars, File Formats, et al


Calendars File Formats et al I'm looking for a way to figure out whether a given date.. File Formats et al I'm looking for a way to figure out whether a given date is a holiday given some holiday calendar. Specifically.. holiday calendar. Specifically you might say is_holiday datetime.date USA which would answer whether the given date is a holiday..

What is memoization and how can I use it in Python?


memoization memorandum to be remembered results of method calls based on the method inputs and then returning the remembered.. to be remembered results of method calls based on the method inputs and then returning the remembered result rather than.. of method calls based on the method inputs and then returning the remembered result rather than computing the result..

Why does python use 'magic methods'?


does python use 'magic methods' I've been playing around with Python recently and one.. I'm finding a bit odd is the extensive use of 'magic methods' e.g. to make its length available an object implements.. e.g. to make its length available an object implements a method def __len__ self and then it is called when you write len..

How to filter (or replace) unicode characters that would take more than 3 bytes in UTF-8?


want a behavior quite similar to Python's own str.encode method when passing 'replace' parameter . Edit I want a behavior.. Python's own str.encode method when passing 'replace' parameter . Edit I want a behavior similar to encode but I don't want.. that would mean I would need to unescape all strings I get from the database which is very annoying and unfeasible. See..

Parse XML file into Python object


file encspot I want to read it into a python object something like a list of dictionaries. Because the markup is absolutely.. regex is easier than this # usr bin env python import xml.etree.cElementTree as et sxml encspot file Name some filename.mp3.. this # usr bin env python import xml.etree.cElementTree as et sxml encspot file Name some filename.mp3 Name Encoder Gogo after..

Getting started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python


started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python.. CloudFront streaming with Python I have created a S3 bucket uploaded a video created a streaming distribution in CloudFront... it works. I have created a keypair through the account settings. I have the private key file sitting on my desktop at the..

Date Ordinal Output?


given the number 1 I'd like to output 1st the number 2 2nd et cetera et cetera. This is for working with dates in a breadcrumb.. the number 1 I'd like to output 1st the number 2 2nd et cetera et cetera. This is for working with dates in a breadcrumb.. number 1 I'd like to output 1st the number 2 2nd et cetera et cetera. This is for working with dates in a breadcrumb trail..

Detect & Record Audio in Python


Record Audio in Python I need to capture audio clips as.. of python for processing. The problem is that I need to determine when there is audio present and then record it stop when.. thinking it should be possible with the wave module to detect when there is pure silence and discard it then as soon as..

Python Comet Server


Comet Server I am building a web application that has a real time.. mechanism. I understand that with Python my choices are pretty much to either use Stackless building from their Comet wsgi.. pretty much to either use Stackless building from their Comet wsgi example or Cometd Twisted. Unfortunately there is very..

Why is there no GIL in the Java Virtual Machine? Why does Python need one so bad?


threads nicely without the need for a Global Interpreter Lock GIL while Python necessitates such an evil. java python.. the implementation of a more sophisticated GC system something like IBM's Recycler Bacon et al 2001 . share improve this..

Need Help using XPath in ElementTree


code I am using... from elementtree import ElementTree as ET fp open output.xml r element ET.parse fp .getroot e element.findall.. import ElementTree as ET fp open output.xml r element ET.parse fp .getroot e element.findall 'ItemSearchResponse Items.. in the XML. To fix problem #1 You need to change element ET.parse fp .getroot to element ET.parse fp To fix problem #2 You..

Python XML Remove Some Elements and Their Children but Keep Specific Elements and Their Children


the output you say you'd like from lxml import etree as ET def filter_by_itemid doc idlist rowset doc.xpath api result.. itemID not in idlist rowset.remove elem return doc doc ET.parse test.xml filter_by_itemid doc 1004072840841 print ET.tostring..

How to extract information from ODP accurately? [closed]


implementation that'd look like from lxml import etree as ET import gzip import sqlite3 conn sqlite3.connect ' path to database'.. as content conn cursor conn.cursor for event element in ET.iterparse content tag ' http dmoz.org rdf ExternalPage' url..

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example


my code to be a bit more dynamic. Here is what worked tree ET.parse sample.xml doc tree.getroot timeseries doc 1 values timeseries.. couldn't find timeSeries or anything else I tried tree ET.parse sample.xml tree.find 'timeSeries' tree ET.parse sample.xml.. tried tree ET.parse sample.xml tree.find 'timeSeries' tree ET.parse sample.xml doc tree.getroot doc.find 'timeSeries' Basically..

Accessing XMLNS attribute with Python Elementree?


one in my example. from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET data ''' data xmlns http www.foo.net a ... xmlns a http www.foo.net.. a ... book 1 category ABS date 2009 12 22 ''' element ET.fromstring data element Element http www.foo.net a data at 1013b74d0..

Really simple way to deal with XML in Python?


as a start # geetree.py import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class GeeElem object Wrapper around an ElementTree element... around an ElementTree. def __init__ self fname self.doc ET.parse fname def __getattr__ self name if self.doc.getroot .tag..

Python: Unicode and ElementTree.parse


I ran across this error import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET from io import StringIO source ... xml version 1.0 encoding.. ... root ... srcbuf StringIO source.decode 'utf 8' doc ET.parse srcbuf Traceback most recent call last File stdin line.. using io.open 'filename.xml' encoding 'utf 8' to pass to ET.parse with io.open 'test.xml' mode 'w' encoding 'utf 8' as fp..

Creating a simple XML file using python


in stdlib cElementTree import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET root ET.Element root doc ET.SubElement root doc field1 ET.SubElement.. cElementTree import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET root ET.Element root doc ET.SubElement root doc field1 ET.SubElement.. xml.etree.cElementTree as ET root ET.Element root doc ET.SubElement root doc field1 ET.SubElement doc field1 field1.set..

lxml etree xmlparser namespace problem


My code is path path to xml file from lxml import etree as ET parser ET.XMLParser ns_clean True dom ET.parse path parser dom.getroot.. path path to xml file from lxml import etree as ET parser ET.XMLParser ns_clean True dom ET.parse path parser dom.getroot.. import etree as ET parser ET.XMLParser ns_clean True dom ET.parse path parser dom.getroot When I try to get dom.getroot..

Emitting namespace specifications with ElementTree in Python


is my sample code from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ET.register_namespace 'com' http www.company.com #some name.. is my sample code from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ET.register_namespace 'com' http www.company.com #some name # build.. www.company.com #some name # build a tree structure root ET.Element STUFF body ET.SubElement root MORE_STUFF body.text STUFF..

python's lxml and iterparse method


this question How about import io import lxml.etree as ET content ''' result field k 'field1' value h '1' text text_value1.. field result ''' contentBuffer io.BytesIO content context ET.iterparse contentBuffer tag 'result' for action elem in context..

XML writing tools for Python


to what I'm actually doing import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET root ET.Element 'html' head ET.SubElement root 'head' script.. I'm actually doing import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET root ET.Element 'html' head ET.SubElement root 'head' script ET.SubElement.. xml.etree.ElementTree as ET root ET.Element 'html' head ET.SubElement root 'head' script ET.SubElement head 'script' script.set..

Regular Expressions to parse template tags in XML


and prints good next to each element. import lxml.etree as ET from lxml.etree import XMLParser def worthy elem for child in.. parser XMLParser ns_clean True recover True etree ET.parse 'regex_trial.xml' parser for thing in etree.findall if..

Why is ElementTree raising a ParseError?


with xml.etree.ElementTree import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError def analyze xml.. xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError def analyze xml it ET.iterparse file xml count 0 last None try for ev el in it count..

Python running out of memory parsing XML using cElementTree.iterparse


parsing function is here import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET def analyze xml it ET.iterparse file xml count 0 for ev el in.. import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET def analyze xml it ET.iterparse file xml count 0 for ev el in it count 1 print 'count..