

python Programming Glossary: etree_defs.h

Cannot install Lxml on Mac os x 10.9


314 private tmp pip_build_root lxml src lxml includes etree_defs.h 9 10 fatal error 'libxml xmlversion.h' file not found #include..

How to install lxml for python without administative rights on linux?


w In file included from src lxml lxml.etree.c 227 src lxml etree_defs.h 9 31 error libxml xmlversion.h No such file or directory src.. libxml xmlversion.h No such file or directory src lxml etree_defs.h 11 4 error #error the development package of libxml2 header.. header files etc. is not installed correctly src lxml etree_defs.h 13 32 error libxslt xsltconfig.h No such file or directory src..

How to install lxml on Ubuntu


In file included from src lxml lxml.etree.c 227 0 src lxml etree_defs.h 9 31 fatal error libxml xmlversion.h No such file or directory..

easy_install lxml on Python 2.7 on Windows


directory 'src lxml' warning no files found matching 'etree_defs.h' under directory 'src lxml' warning no files found matching.. directory 'src lxml' warning no files found matching 'etree_defs.h' under directory 'src lxml' warning no files found matching.. lxml tree.pxd build lib.win32 2.7 lxml copying src lxml etree_defs.h build lib.win32 2.7 lxml creating build lib.win32 2.7 lxml isoschematron..