

python Programming Glossary: etree

Python web scraping involving HTML tags with attributes


import re import urllib2 sys import lxml from lxml import etree from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring from lxml.etree.. from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring from lxml.etree import tostring from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector from..

How do I validate xml against a DTD file in Python


lxml site from StringIO import StringIO from lxml import etree dtd etree.DTD StringIO ELEMENT foo EMPTY root etree.XML foo.. from StringIO import StringIO from lxml import etree dtd etree.DTD StringIO ELEMENT foo EMPTY root etree.XML foo print dtd.validate.. import etree dtd etree.DTD StringIO ELEMENT foo EMPTY root etree.XML foo print dtd.validate root # True root etree.XML foo bar..

Tell urllib2 to use custom DNS


'http news.bbc.co.uk' data f.read from lxml import etree doc etree.HTML data print doc.xpath ' title text ' 'Google'.. news.bbc.co.uk' data f.read from lxml import etree doc etree.HTML data print doc.xpath ' title text ' 'Google' Obviously..

Encoding in python with lxml - complex solution


schema in pseudocode is more illustrative from lxml import etree webfile urllib2.urlopen url root etree.parse webfile.read parser.. from lxml import etree webfile urllib2.urlopen url root etree.parse webfile.read parser etree.HTMLParser recover True txt.. urllib2.urlopen url root etree.parse webfile.read parser etree.HTMLParser recover True txt my_process_text etree.tostring root.xpath..

Creating a simple XML file using python


document using the in stdlib cElementTree import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET root ET.Element root doc ET.SubElement root.. Introductory Tutorial From the original author's site LXML etree tutorial . With example code for loading the best available..

how do i rewrite this function to implement OrderedDict?


file import collections from lxml import etree tree etree.parse file root tree.getroot def xml_to_item el item.. file import collections from lxml import etree tree etree.parse file root tree.getroot def xml_to_item el item None if.. def simplexml_load_file file from lxml import etree tree etree.parse file root tree.getroot def xml_to_item el item..

In lxml, how do I remove a tag but retain all contents?


For the time being I'll revert to a very dirty trick I'll etree.tostring the fragment remove the offending tags via regex and.. tags via regex and replace the original fragment with the etree.fromstring result of this not the real code but should go something.. code but should go something like this from lxml import etree fragment etree.fromstring fragment text1 a inner1 a text2 b..

Equivalent to InnerHTML when using lxml.html to parse HTML


iterdescendants methods of the root node from lxml import etree from cStringIO import StringIO t etree.parse StringIO body ..... from lxml import etree from cStringIO import StringIO t etree.parse StringIO body ... h1 A title h1 ... p Some text p ..... root t.getroot for child in root.iterdescendants ... print etree.tostring child ... h1 A title h1 p Some text p This can be shorthanded..

Parse HTML table to Python list?


use some HTML parsing library like lxml from lxml import etree s table tr th Event th th Start Date th th End Date th tr tr.. e td td f td tr tr td g td td h td td i td tr table table etree.XML s rows iter table headers col.text for col in next rows..

Using Python Iterparse For Large XML Files


2 desc item and so far my solution is from lxml import etree context etree.iterparse MYFILE tag 'item' for event elem in.. and so far my solution is from lxml import etree context etree.iterparse MYFILE tag 'item' for event elem in context print.. and also removes preceding siblings. from lxml import etree def fast_iter context func # http www.ibm.com developerworks..

Need help installing lxml on os x 10.7


I have been struggling to be able to do from lxml import etree import lxml works fine by the way The error is ImportError dlopen.. Versions 2.7 lib python2.7 site packages lxml etree.so 2 Symbol not found _htmlParseChunk Referenced from Library.. Versions 2.7 lib python2.7 site packages lxml etree.so Expected in flat namespace in Library Frameworks Python.framework..